nordenfjeldske kunstindustrimuseum
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Fine exhibitions with very fine and rich objects of art and design. Also temporary exhibits. Worth to visit.
Friendly staff and nice to visit because it's downtown and has a few items of interest to historians. If you have little time in Trondheim, there are more interesting things to see.
I wish I would have had longer to visit this museum. There was so much to see in the wonderful collections of design and decorative arts that were displayed. Fashion, furniture, glass, silver, ceramics, carpets from the 15th century until today. There is also a special exhibit of Japanese art. This museum is closed on Mondays.
I'm a huge fan of Scandinavian design and expecially Mid-century Modern, so this was a treat. There is a wide international collection (including much British Arts & Crafts), but for me the highlights were the Scandinavian pieces, the room interior designed by the Danish architect Finn Juhl in 1952 and Hannah Ryggen's wonderful tapestries, many of them political pieces made in the 1930s and during the wartime occupation of Norway.The special exhibition on silverware was rather unexpectedly compelling too.The staff are friendly and knowledgeable and there is a classy (but of course pricey) gift and book shop.
My sister was initially apologetic that I'd paid for three of us to visit this museum - until we saw what was inside. We saw a silver exhibition from silversmiths around the world which was fascinating. But what I really enjoyed was to see furniture from different ages that are seen as design icons - it's a really good collection. I'm very fond of art nouveau and stood staring at objects for ages - there was so much to see from spoons to television cabinets!
The National Museum of Decorative Arts in Trondheim was a delightful place. I saw a big range of decorative art and industrial designs, from traditional to modern arts and crafts, including toys, from Norway and overseas. Small though it was, the place took quite a long time to go through. It was truly a gem of a museum.
Her er jeg ofte innom, som oftest for å se utstillinger, men av og til bare for å ta en titt i den lille, spennende kunstbutikken i museet. Der er det alltid ting som frister.Den siste utstillingen jeg så, var Duodus flotte utstilling for vel et år siden. Fantastisk hvor kreative disse dyktige Duodu-damene, Anne og Rita, er! Gleder meg stort over å kjenne dem og over deres fargeglede og mange spennende kreasjoner.
Il museo, che si incontra su Munkegata, una delle principali vie cittadine che poi vi conduce anche alla bellissima cattedrale di Nidaros, organizza mostre temporanee e conserva opere che provengono da diversi paesi europei e coprono un arci di tempo di alcuni secoli, all'incirca dal Rinascimento ad oggi. Si tratta di arazzi con un'interessante collezione al 1° piano con attenzione particolare ai lavori di Hannah Ryggen e di questi mi ha colpito quello (6 Ottobre 1942) dedicato alla sua famiglia durante il periodo nazista, mentre al piano interrato ci sono mobili (dal XVII al XX secolo), stoviglie, oggetti art noveau, specchi, oggetti in argento ed ancora arazzi del XVI secolo, ceramiche e lampade a farla da padrone. Il biglietto costa 80 NOK (circa 9 euro) e gli orari (estivi) di apertura sono dalle ore 10 alle ore 17 tutti i giorni. Francamente ho visto musei simili molto più coinvolgenti e, quindi, ritengo che sia un museo assolutamente non indispensabile nella visita della città e non imperdibile e da vedere soltanto se vi trattenete alcuni giorni in città, o siete degli appassionati del genere
För mig som är intresserad av konsthistoria var det en fantastisk upplevelse att besöka Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseet i Trondheim. Möbler, porslin, textilier med mera från 1600-talet tills idag. Speciellt fascinerande med Hannah Rügens textilier, bilder med protester mot krig och nazism.
Um museu que conta história através de peças decorativas...Um museu diferente, dos que eu já tinha visitado... Diversas peças de prata, porcelana, vidro, tapeçaria, móveis e mais...Visitei também uma exposição com peças japonesas, tapeçarias norueguesas e uma exposição de artigos de prata..Vale mais a pena passear pelo museu se você gosta de peças decorativas...
Japansamling, samtidig kunsthåndverk, tekstilkunst, historiske samlinger, designmøbler, smykkesamling, skandinaviske klassikere og norske klassikere...Egen evne til å vise tekstilkunst/draktkunst, og finne egne skatter fra fra eget skattekammer til å stille ut. Ligger heldigvis i løypa for Hurtigrutas gjester opp mot domkirken. Herlig museumsbutikk, entusiastisk betjent!