archbishop’s château and gardens
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I stopped in Kromeriz during my tour through Moravia. I wasn't sure what to expect from the city. The Archbishop's castle and the gardens behind were a pleasant surprise.The garden is big, well maintained and varied. The keep some animals in there (some of which had way too small cages to my liking). I enjoyed the walk through the garden, though. Plenty of statues are scattered around the park and you get a nice view on the castle as well. The park is pretty big. If you want to walk it completely, it'll take you more than an hour.I haven't been inside the castle, but it is a beautiful building, in the corner of the main square. If I would get back to Kromeriz and there would be time to visit, I definitely will do so.
That garden!... I mean.. Wow, this is one of the best spots i've ever been to. I'm not talking about the Chateau, haven't really been inside. But the garden is amazing. It is even strange, how such a small (but cozy) town has such a miracle in there. Such a great experience to walk there, in those greenish bushes, followed by peaceful peacocks, bunnies and squirrels. The park is very well taken care of, in such a nice manner, that at some point you think it's a forest. It is very beautiful and calm, quite a few people there, no noises, just pure nature. Amazing place.
I have been in many castles in all around the world and I must say that this one is for me (you can have another opinion) the "worst" one so far. During the tour you realize thanks to the guide that almost everything what you can see is just a copy and you will just get to know where you can see the original ones. Even if I will not take care of this so I must say that there is nothing so special in this castle. So much more interesting is to visit the garden that is for free and you can little relax by walking around, watch animals, have a drink and so on. Also visiting the castle tower is a good idea. So to summarize, if you are in Kroměříž and have a free time, visit this castle but dont expect something extraordinary. But I recommend the tower and a garden.
UNESCO Castle and Gardens is located near the city centre of Kromeriz. There is not a problem to park nearby or better still, stay the night before, enjoy city's great restaurants and come to the castle on foot.I brought UNESCO complete ticket and made a full use of it, although I was surprised that gallery was not included. I had to go down two floors to get a ticket and go up to the third floor again to the picture gallery. Castle interior is well maintained mostly because it used to belong to the church for many centuries, especially libraries are very impressive. I kept realising how opulent life those clerics used to led, castle was not even their main residence!Guides were knowledgeable and tour was interesting. We were lucky to enjoy a little concert by flute and fagot by the local girls, they performed Beethoven, very touching and a good summer job for them.I also went on the tower and enjoyed the views.Gallery was very well managed and I liked the most significant paintings like Apollon and Marsyas by Titian Vecellio although the motif is very cruel.Chateau garden is free and you could take a small electric train tour first and then decide where to walk.Flower garden admission is a part of Unesco ticket and is about half an hour walk away, you need to follow little metal arrows on the pavement.I would recommend to go by public transport or car for older people. Parts of the garden are shut at the moment but should re-open in autumn 2014, still worthwhile a visit.
The town Kromeriz is nice small historical town with a UNESCO enlisted attraction - The Caste and Gardens at Kromeriz.The castle itself is nice historical building with well maintained interiors. The place is historically significant due to the presence of austro-hungarian constituent assembly in 1848.The castle offers more attractions and sightseeing tours. Seeing it all may be very time and streght consuming. I recommend buying the "via unesco" package for CZK 180. It includes the interior halls, the tower and the flower garden (the castle gardens are for free).Very recommended, it is forth a separate trip. Easily accessible from Brno by highway.
It was very interesting,but it is big and maybe 3 or 4 hours to see it all..But it is all very historical...try it and you will not regret ....
Both chateau and gardens are the true reasons why the beautiful city of Kroměříž is a part of UNESCO. We had a tour through the chateau, salla terrena, tower and the gallery and it was a great experience. I mainly enjoyed the salla terrena decoration and artifical caves, this is something unique you don´t find quite often elsewhere. Then do not hesitate to pay a visit to the chateau´s garden. It´s huge, more like an english-style park with plenty of places to rest and walk. There is a small zoo with domesticated animals and 2 cafés, one of them has a great view over the river as it´s located directly on the blind bank. If you have time and do not travel to Kroměříž just for a one day trip, I recommend you to visit the park in the evening hours (open till 20h). The place becomes quiet and tranquil.
Rozhodně doporučuji. Nejvíce se mě líbila obrazárna zámku - především pak obraz od Tiziana Vecceliho: Apollón trestá Marsya, nebo třeba obraz od Lucase Cranacha: Zátiší s dopisem.Dále pak děti si mohou hrát na nádvoří - s historickým dělem, celková expozice je jistě velkým přínosem pro všechny.
Красиво даже в конце февраля ,когда сад еще даже не сад! Старинно, великолепно! Очаровательные животные и все мило и органично. рекомендую
Obrovská volneprístupná záhrada s množstvom zvierat (pávy, opice, lesná zver, ...) a velkými vodnými plochami.
komentovaná prohlídka a projížďka vláčkem byla moc pěkná a pro ty kteří mají na prohlídku jen omezený čas doporučuji.Jinak zde návštěvník stráví krásný den. Své kouzlo mají zahrady v každém ročním období.
Один из самых красивых парков Моравии. Обязателен к посещению, причем лучше всего ранним утром, когда гостей еще нет. Утренний туман, прохлада, тишина, многовековой лес, прекрасные цветочные клумбы и огромное количество всевозможной живности в вольерах и на воле оставляют незабываемое ощущение. Парк расположен в городе, но ты забываешь об этом практически сразу.
Архиепископский сад - одно из самых прекрасных мест в этом крае. Великолепные орнаменты из цветов с барочными завитками, аллеи деревьев, беседки из них же, лабиринты - очень красиво.
Пункт ЮНЕСКО - дворец епископа и сады. В продаже есть различные маршруты на выбор, поэтому заранее продумайте, куда вы хотите. В целом уютный городок и все очень красиво.
Auf der Heimreise von der schönen Stadt Olmütz / Olomouc nach Wien wieder einmal Halt auch in Kremsier / Kroměříž, einer ebenfalls wunderschönen Stadt mit eindrucksvollen Plätzen, Kirchen, Denkmälern und vor allem mit dem Erzbischöflichen Schloss und den Gärten, die UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe sind. Es ist unwahrscheinlich, welch prachtvolles Schloss mit ebensolcher Einrichtung sich die Erzbischöfe von Olmütz / Olomouc, deren Residenz das Schloss war, hier errichtet und eingerichtet haben!Im Schloss haben wir diesmal die Besichtigungstour „Historische Säle“ mitgemacht. Die Führung war zwar auf tschechisch, aber wir haben Mappen mit deutschen Texten bekommen und die sehr nette Führerin, die etwas deutsch sprach, hat sich immer wieder mit Erklärungen auch an uns gewandt. Besichtigt werden bei der zirka 90minütigen Tour die Räume im ersten und zweiten Stock. Von besonderem historischen Interesse ist der Reichstagssaal, in dem 1848 der aus Wien vor den Wirren der Revolution geflohene Reichstag getagt und eine neue Verfassung für die österreichische Monarchie ausgearbeitet hat. Neben vielen anderen Höhepunkten haben uns besonders der Lehenssaal (mit einem großen Deckengemälde von F.A. Maulbertsch) und die beiden Bibliotheken beeindruckt.Nicht besichtigt haben wir diesmal die Gemäldegalerie, die mit Werken von unter anderem Tizian, Breughel, Cranach, usw. die zweitbedeutendste Gemäldesammlung in Tschechien ist. Auch keine Zeit war leider für einen Besuch im – etwas weiter vom Schloss weg liegenden – Blumengarten, und auch die prachtvolle Anlage des Schlossparks haben wir nur von den Fenstern des Schlosses aus etwas gesehen und diesmal leider nicht bei einem Spaziergang genossen.Kremsier / Kroměříž ist immer wieder einen Besuch wert, und dabei lohnen besonders Besuche des Schlosses und der Gärten, die zu Recht UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe sind!