dinopark plzen
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On the 3 ha areal of the Zoological and botanical gardens in Pilsen are currently more than 30 dinosaur models from the Triassic period (known as Jurassic and Cretaceous period). The largest model is the apatosaurus, measuring 23 meters and was produced on the spot, some of the models are equipped with sound, also the popular Tyrannosaurus Rex is on display.
If you are visiting ZOO have a visit in this nice dinopark where you can find several dino animals in real size. This park is located on the hill so if you wanna visit only this, there is no need to go through zoo and you can park from the top of the hill.
Plzen 2IN CELLAR - BEER – IN PARKS - DINOSAURSBy Zoran SlavicPlzen is a city on the edge of Germany; you can see the architecture and the manners of its inhabitants. Here is a Czech relaxation framed Germanic meticulousness and precision. While we walk the streets that are full of beautiful, functional and impressive buildings, one wonders if the residents of Plzen, through order and discipline, and the nonchalance of fun happens, or is their inherent relaxation only well controlled, acquired habits and lifestyle? But all the same, these Czechs here are just a little different from those we know. So is this the city: it has everything: history, entertainment, work and - beer. The most prominent sights of Plzen are the Gothic St. Bartholomew's Cathedral, founded in the late 13th century, whose tower is the highest in the Czech Republic, the Renaissance Town Hall, and the Moorish Revival Great Synagogue, the second largest synagogue in Europe, after the Dohány Street Synagogue in Budapest. There is also a 20 km historic underground tunnel/cellar network, among the longest in Central Europe. Part of this network is open to the public for tours of about 750 meters in length and up to a depth of 12 meters. This large and powerful city at the confluence of four rivers is based on an extremely diverse, ancient, and still functioning underground. System cellar, wine, beer, tunnels, canals - water sanitation, and shelter, and all sorts of habitats created by the 13 to 19 centuries and is still being reconstructed and used. One half-hour descent into the underworld fraction of Plzen, reminded me of the Roman catacombs, although local is much simpler. Here's functionality outweighed sacred, as are Husist Plzen, Pope outwitted a couple of times.Particularly interesting this city gives the existence of a large, significant European, Zoological garden, which is part and Dinosaur Park, better known as Dino Park! The Garden is located near the centre of the city, has a varied landscape with small lakes, rocks, arboretum and parks. The Zoo has the second largest space for bears in Europe, and a natural habitat for monkeys and large cats. A greenhouse for succulents and a special informational path can be found in the Botanical garden together with the "Evolution of Nature in the Quaternary period". Lizards living here are among the rarest animals fond anywhere, particularly the Komodo dragons. These large lizards exist in only a few Zoos in the world. The Lochotin amphitheatre, next to the Zoo, is the largest natural amphitheatre in the Czech Republic. Dino Park is very convenient destination for school trips, but it is also an interesting target for lesson of biology. Pupils and students will see here only paleontological models. They can also learn same facts about different species of dinosaurs and about the evolution of life on Earth.As a reminder, and I was in two days in the town remembered: Czech and European famous puppeteer, animator, author of many children's films, and the founder of many things in the world of puppetry, Jiri Trnka, born in 1912. Also in this city. A Plzen from the environment, from Pomuka, 1350. He was brought and Jan Nepomuk, to disobey as Vicar of Prague, drowned in the Vltava River. At only the end of the fourteenth century.
Místní Dino park je výborná možnost pro rodinu s dětmi. Děti se nebudou vůbec nudit protože atrakcí je tam mnoho. Já osobně bych si představoval menší ceny a více zábavy pro dospělé. Ale jinak výborné.
ребенок был в восторге! анимированные фигуры динозавров, есть место для игр, разные лазалки-тарзанка.из минусов - сложно с иностранными языками.
Parc agréable pour les adultes, et fantastique pour les petits. Nombreux endroits ombragés. A recommander
Динозавры шипят, вертят головой и хвостом, открывают и закрывают пасть. Дети в экстазе, взрослые ждут, когда же можно будет пойти дальше:).
много зверей, простор, развлечения для детей. парк состоит из 2х частей. лучше разделить поход на два дня, поскольку обе части не возможно качественно обойти за 1 день.