ushguli village
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This place is real attraction for those who like mountains. Everything is like you are travelling in time, back in the middle ages. You feel that strong and unquenchable soul of the local Svanetian people. Emotion is overwhelming you. You feel so small and so proud at the same time. Small because you see these amazing huge mountains and proud - because you are part of that beauty even one day. Must to visit....
Ushguli should be a "must" for each traveller who does a roundtrip in Georgia. The ancient fortified towers in a beautiful mountanious setting is really something unique that should not be missed. With a lot of small guest houses where you are mostly treated as a family member it offers perfect opportunities for hikers and photographers. You can easily spend a week there and still you will not have seen all the vistas. In summer (June to October) the village can be reached on two ways. First from Mestia the Svanetian capital in 3.5/4 hours ride in a 4 wheeler on unpaved tracks or as a full day trip from Kutaisi. On this road some progress is made and out of formerly about 60 km unpaved road now about 30 km are paved. While the track from Mestia is partly open during winter as well the other road will be closed. Both possibilities are ideal for mountain biker. In addition there hiking pathes from Mestia (3 days) and from some villages on the other side of the pass. But which mean of transport you will choose doesn´t really matter as you are all the time awarded with breathtaking views. For travelers who are in a hurry should be said that Mestia - Ushguli and back can be organized as a day tour but they should be aware that they will get only a glimpse on the beauties of the region. Sunrise and sunset hunters should get up early as the village stretches from East to West you need to reach some higher places to get a remarkable photo.
We arrive at night to Lahart and Ella guest house. we ate an amazing dinner with variety of Georgian food. we went to sleep in a cozy warmth bed. we woke up into a an amazing view that was breathtaking. we came back after taking a few photographs to a very good breakfast. We received a very warmth hospitality.
We got here with a 4X4 vehicle- it's bumpy most of the way, but it's worth the effort to see thses remote places.
It's not easy to get there... but that makes it all the more worthwhile. This Georgian village is in more or less Original state, not a museum but lived in the whole year around. Even though it is more or less cut off from the rest of the country for several months. There are, tucked away here and there, enough facilities for the vistor: guest houses and eating places. There is even a small museum which despite it's size it is worth a visit. The whole place looks like something from a fictional world and the view is breathtaking. You can reach from Mestia by 'bus' or car over mostly rocky and unpaved roads. I approached it from the other direction by mountain bike, otherwise a 4x4 is neccessary. Whichever way you choose you will be rewarded by a passage through a sea of wild flowers and with a glacier as the backdrop. Yes, I know that Georgia is officially in Asia... but that's not what the Georgians think!!!
Wonderful 4x4 drive through the amazing mountains. Saw the famous Ushba Peak and ShkharaMountain as a back drop to the wonderful towers of Svaneti region. Very fascinating and beautiful. We were sitting and having lunch in this glorious setting, when we witnessed the local men, with participation of the children, orchestrate Dog Fights. This horrible show is apparently a local tradition. One poor dog had been sitting placidly next to us at lunch. It seemed very gentle until the cruel owner, after first throwing a rock at it, was able to put a leash on it and instigate a vicious fight with another dog. A village elder smugly watch. This was such a turnoff that we felt we had to leave the valley. Left a sour taste in our mouth.
Svaneti is still very beautiful although much more touristy than other regions. It is worth travelling to the highest point, Ushguli and not only for an organized day trip as most people go. The guides say that going for more than a one day trip is complicated and not worth it. However, there are many guest houses and many places for beautiful hikes. It is also popular to hike from Ushguli back to Mestia in a few days. The only annoying thing is that a lot of people really come for a few hours, dressed in fancy outdoor clothes and equipped with good cameras in the old village with locals, mudy roads, cows and pigs.
Ushguli is literally at the end of the road. This Georgian village, accessible only through a rough jeep road and locked-down in winter, seems as though time itself left it behind. The roads are narrow and unpaved, farmers are working their lands and herding their livestock, and soviet-era trucks lay rusting in the snow. Defense towers loom over the village's antique dwellings.Don't miss this village - it's too remote to become touristic, and it provides a fascinating look into the rural Georgian way of life. Several good day hikes also start from here.
Эта село самое высокогорное поселение во всей Европе, в котором имеено живут люди. Находится на высоте 2200 метров над уровнем моря. Добраться туда вообще подвиг. От Местия до Ушгули дорога займет у вас не менее 3 часов на внедорожнике. Но посещение того стОит: природа, Сванские башни, река Ингури, добрые и отзывчивые люди, коровы гуляющие по дорогам….
Het is even rijden vanuit Mestia (de weg is zo slecht nog niet) maar dan ontvouwd zich een onwaarschijnlijk mooi beeld: oude wachttorens, dorpjes, bergen en sneeuw. De combinatie van de prachtige natuur, de ouderwetse manier van leven, de prachtige gebouwen en de eenheid tussen natuur en cultuur maken dit tot een ontzettend mooi en unieke plek. Rij niet terug naar Mestia, maar ga met uw (4x4) richting Lentakhi. Geen beste weg, maar nog mooier dan de heenreis.
Ero talmente determinato a visitare questo villaggio che non ho esitato a noleggiare privatamente un 4 x 4 con autista che mi ha anche procurato una sistemazione (spartana) per la notte. Vista la lunga strada ( sterrata e fangosa) che bisogna fare per raggiungerlo ho deciso infatti di passare almeno una notte lassu'. Il trasferimento mi è costato un bel po' ma ne è valsa la pena. Il villaggio e i dintorni, con possibilità di belle passegiate, è uno dei punti forza di un viaggio in Georgia
Если вы уж доехали до Сванетии, то однозначно стоит посетить Ушгули и сходить к леднику Шхара, от которого берёт начало река Ингури.Оторванность от цивилизации и потрясающая красота гор оставляют очень глубокое впечатление. А ночное бархатное небо с россыпью звезд просто завораживает. Такое не увидишь около городов.
Questa è la mia opinione dopo un viaggio di una dozzina di giorni in Georgia. Tutto l'alto Svaneti è molto bello con le sue torri, le sue chiesine e le sue montagne, ma ad Ushguli dà il meglio di se. La lunga strada di accesso da Mestia (per ora percorribile solo con un 4x4) contribuisce a dare la sensazione di essere alla fine del mondo, che sembra chiuso dal gigantesco monte Shkhara. Il villaggio non è (per ora) imbruttito da case moderne, come è accaduto a Mestia. Le sue 80 torri dominano i 4 minuscoli villaggi, ai loro piedi la vita mantiene un ritmo di altri tempi. Peccato che nel piccolo museo sia vietato fotografare (chissà poi perché, quando nel molto più grande museo di Mestia è permesso)
Сванетия прекрасна, Ушгули уникально. Древние сванские башни в окружении снежных вершин, нежно-зеленые склоны, цветущие сады, стада, пасущиеся на почти альпийских лугах - необыкновенная красота! В Ушгули есть свой этнографический музей, расположенный в одной из старинных башен. Если захотите его посетить, вам придется найти хранителя ключа и по совместительству директора школы. Не волнуйтесь, это просто, любой местный сочтет своим долгом помочь вам. И обязательно зайдите в местный древний храм!
Ushguli por sí misma merece la pena ya como simple excusa de viaje al país caucasiano. Patrimonio de la Humanidad dentro del conjunto de torres defensivas de la comarca, sin embargo Ushguli se conserva intacto mientras que la capital Mestia ha vivido un desarrollo turístico que le ha privado ya de gran parte de su encanto. 2h a 2h 30 de pista forestal en vehículo separan las dos poblaciones, la que nos ocupa al fondo de un alargado valle.