cncs - centre national du costume de scène
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

I love Rudolf Nureyev the dancer and I loved the show, with its costumes.the film about his life was also very interesting
Excellent value at 6€ pp. There were two exhibitions, one on the life of Rudolf Nureyev, including an half-our video of an interview, and a number of the costumes he'd worn. The other was on costumes from shakespearean plays and stills from many plays in which the costumes were worn.
I have been several times to the CNCS and I must say that every time is a new surprise. The great thing about this museum is that it has only one permanent exhibition (the amazing collection of items and costumes from Rudolf Nureev which is exhibited according to his will). Everything else is a temporary display, taken from the huge collection of the Center. They have circus, opera, theater, ballet and various other scene costumes, from as far back as the XVIIIth century. It is a wonder to see. The building itself is quite interesting as well, being an XVIIIth century cavalry barrack. It has a very impressive pair of monumental stairs. Definitely something to visit if you are traveling in Auvergne.
Located in a former military building just passed the bridge over the river Allier, this museum organises temporary exhibits on the theme of costumes. Between June 15th (2013) and January 5th (2014) the exhibition is all about circus. Costumes from cirque du soleil and cirque plume, all around the central circus themes and illustrated by older and more recent films, and at the end a spectacular hall with more real than real life animals... A delight for adults and children have a top day as well!!! Entrance fee is 6 € (or 3 with discount, free for young children). So you're not broke afterwards (unless you get tempted by the beautiful books, artworks and toys at the museum shop).Make sure to check out the animations as well: for children and teenagers workshops are organised, while their parents can enjoy a guided visit and learn even more... ( don't be afraid you won't understand a thing: in the rooms the information is available in English...Just go and enter this magical world...
The building itself is worth seeing if you are around, the national museum is worth planning a trip there - a short train ride away from Paris. Unfortunately the museum only offers temporary exhibitions to protect the costumes that are fragile by nature.
Very well presented information and exhibits. Video clips throughout the exhibition and a great film at the end.Live locally and never miss a new show.
Until December 31st 2012 the exhibition here features the entire collection of costumes designed by Christian Lacroix for the ballet La Source, performed in Paris in 2011. These fabulous costumes are the stars of the show, but the exhibition shows all the stages of their production, from sketch and fabric swatches to videos of the actual performance. In fact you can go to the auditorium and sit through the whole ballet if you wish!It is a wonderful insight into the ballet world, leaving you appreciating the whole production on a different level.
C'est notre deuxième visite après la Comédie Française, l'Opéra Comique. Exceptionnel!N'oubliez pas de visiter le restaurant!!
Nous avons été surpris de trouver un musée aussi complet et bien agencé dans la ville de Moulins;Tous les costumes sont présentés en situation et le fait d'avoir près des vitrines un dvd de l'opéra représenté est une excellente idée.Nous avons flanés 2 heures dans ce beau musée et ne regrettons pas notre déplacement.A voir impérativement!
A couper le souffle, un travail extraordinaire, toutes nos félicitations !!!A voir et à revoir, moulins a de beaux trésors !!
C'était ma cinquième visite. Les costumes de l'opéra comique sont fabuleux et la visite guidée est remarquable Je reviendrai pour la prochaine expo.La boutique est très bien achalandée.Les roses fraîches sur les tables du restaurant incitent à s'asseoir.
Le Centre National du Costume de scène est un musée, installé dans un magnifique bâtiment, où il y a une partie consacrée à Rudolf Noureïev ainsi que des expositions temporaires.A visiter lorsqu'on passe par Moulins.
depuis que cette ancienne caserne a été réhabilitée en musée, plusieurs expositions , toujours fantastiques se succèdent. On peut flaner et rêver parmi les costumes magnifiquement mis en valeur.
Ce musée est spectaculaire....La collection Rudolf Khametovitch Noureev (ou Noureïev ; en russe : Рудольф Хаметович Нуреев ; en tatar : Rudolf Xämät ulı Nuri) est un danseur étoile né le 17 mars 1938... C' est grandiose!L'exposition Shakespeare est montré avec talent, des mises en scènes sont proposés aux visiteurs.J'ai adoré l'ensemble, le lieu, et l’accueil du personnel.L'aide et la gentillesse pour les personnes à mobilité réduite.
Vous qui passez par MOULINS, je sais cela ne fait pas rêver, mais on peut s'égarer, la visite de ce "musée" est obligatoire.Le bonheur des yeux