musee historique lorrain
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

The museum is divided in two parts. It gives you a very good feeling of medieval Lorraine and the region's hectic history. Well designed and presented.
We loved the 1914 exhibition about the first world war. It was terrific. We spent most of an afternoon there. Well done! A Great visit.
We were interested to find out more about the history of Nancy and Lorraine as a whole, and as the museum is in the old Ducal Palace and the convent and chapel of the Cordeliers, we thought it would be a good place to do this. Sadly, it is something of a "curate's egg" -good in parts!We were disappointed to discover that the archaelogy room was closed and my son said this was one of the best bits: there was no sign on the door and no explanation in the foyer, which was somewhat misleading. We looked at more of the exhibits, some of which were of interest and explained how Lorraine fitted into the wider picture of French history, but some of which was frankly boring! Dusty glass cases full of china etc, not at all interactive and no explanations in other languages. I work as a casual museum attendant and found it very frustrating to see how much could be made of the place: it was as if they had tried but not that hard. For example, there were boxes of dressing up clothes for children but no information about what they contained, and not even a mirror for the children to see themselves once they had dressed up. The attendants kind of hovered to make sure we didn't damage anything but they made no effort to explain or show us in more detail. The one redeeming exhibition in the main museum was the new one about World War 1 for the centenary: this showed tremendous thought and care and the preparation which had gone into this was clear. We all found it moving and interesting and the fact that they had put commentaries in English and German on all the displays made it much more accessible. I learnt loads, especially about how Alsace-Lorraine was such a disputed territory and how much they had to endure during the war. If only the museum would display all its collections like this, it would be fantastic. We also loved the Cordeliers part which I have reviewed separately, and it was these two displays which redeemed the place for us.At 18 euros for 4 of us, it wasn't that cheap, it was worth a visit especially for the two areas mentioned but I don't think I would go back unless they added more exhibitions like those.
Perhaps going with four young children has slightly tainted my view but I can't imagine I would have enjoyed it as a couple. The exhibits are tired in fact the whole museum needs a face lift. Grubby in places, poor descriptions on all the displays did not help ease the sour taste the staff left. Unhelpful, surly and rude I can't say I will visit again.
Interesting exhibits that revealed to me the connections between the Dukes of Lorraine and the Hapsburgs, as well as revealing the power that the Dukes held at times in France. The highlight for me was the octagonal room off the chapel that is included in the tour in which the crypts of many Dukes are presented, a beautiful structure to behold.
It is well worth strolling up the Grand Rue to the lovely building which houses this museum. Be sure to take time to admire the wonderful sculpted porterie (gateway) and to walk in the garden behind the main palace building. we had to be selective and concentrated on the collections in the main building. Like other commentators we particularly liked the de la Tour room. The display dealing with Nancy in the Second World War housed a most interesting temporary exhibition about the role of the local engineer, craft ironsmith and manufacturer Jean Prouvé, who had become maire of Nancy at the Liberation, had devised emergency prefab housing for the homeless of Lorraine at that time and had generally been a moving spirit in Nancy in the post-war period. Our ticket also gave admission to the Cordeliers, which I have written about separately.
The George de la Tour room was special. Look out for it. It is easily missed.I enjoyed all the Stanislas related exhibits & we were intrigued by the inches to centimetre rules from the late eighteenth century among the scientific instruments. The archaeological section to the rear of the main building is poorly sign posted & we we would have missed it if our daughter hadn't read the guidebook properly.The ticket includes the nearby Cordeliers Church which has furnished rooms from the nineteenth century. It is interesting but there are almost no explanations as to what you are seeing.
It was interesting, because I could just understand the signs, but I cannot recommend it to my friends who do not speak French, can you please print some information in English??
This museum gives an excellent overview about historical past of the region and if you take enough time you will dicover many details an interesting information. Furthermore the museum presents also very intereting objects and fotos about life in the region at the beginning of the 20th century.
Friendly, helpful staff; extensive collection of historical artifacts; accessible information. Renovations underway are a bit disruptive.
Este museu da cidade conta com uma coleção importante de achados arqueológicos além de lindas esculturas e pinturas.
L'ancien palais ducal est devenu un musée de l'Histoire de Nancy, des ducs et de la Lorraine . La toiture a été refaite il y a peu et c'est Superbe !!
Façade magnifique. A l'intérieur, un parcours très instructif retrace l'histoire de la Lorraine et de ses Ducs. De belles expo temporaires aussi
Sabato mattina, passeggiando per la grande rue, ho deciso di visitare il museo, curioso di saperne un po' di più sulla storia locale.Interessante?! Direi di sì anche se il museo risulta concentrato su un lasso di tempo assai corto ( se non ricordo male dal 1500 circa sino al 1800 ), dedicando uno spazio importante a Stanislas Leszczynski, sicuramente la figura più importante degli anni di cui il museo tratta.Ho trovato molto interessante anche la visita del museo annesso alla chiesa ( biglietto unico consigliato ): qui si possono vedere tutti gli attrezzi, gli arredi e alcune foto della vita "tipica" di inizio secolo in questa regione.Se siete a Nancy, dedicategli un paio d'ore, ne vale la pena
dès l'extérieur on est "scotché" par l'architecture de ce bâtiment. pour la découverte des différentes salles, il vaut mieux prévoir plusieurs visites sinon on sature tant il y a de choses à découvrir !un petit passage par le jardin permet de reprendre ses esprits surtout si le temps est beau. a voir absolument