basilika saint-quentin


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basilika saint-quentin



Basilika is being renovated since 2008; inside is interesting to see for it's size and lovely architecture and stainless steel glass windows. You can see the renovation work that is being done.


The basilique de Saint Quentin can be seen from any place in the city. Restoration works are underway for several years


Wonderful Basilika,takes your breath away a must seewhen in saint Quentin.At the moment the Basilika is being restored so there is scaffolding outside of the building,but you can still marvel in its beauty,lots of breath taking sites inside including holy relics,a ittle grislyas you get to see a mumified hand and bones belonging to the saint,go you will not be dissapointed.


Again part of the building was in scaffolding, which now seems to be common with most buildings of interest, what we could see it was a lovely building. Unfortunately we arrive at our hotel late and left early so we were unable to see the inside


We were lucky to get inside that monumental Gothic basilica, rising to heavens above the town centre. Organs were also played. The church hosts relics of St Quentin - a local martyr. Some renovation works have been performed on one of the facades.


Fantasic views from my hotel room on a late night stop on a road trip. Unfortunately I had to leave early and never had the chance to visit but Beautiful from outside.


A monumental late gothic pile that dominates the town.Fine tracery on the flying buttresses. But on Sunday morning at 9am it was locked up tight - no chance to admire inside, or even to worship if that's what you came for.Surprising that the town's main attraction should be closed, even if there is some restorattion going on.


We enjoyed a walk around the Basilika. It is a stunning church and still well used by the local congregation. After visiting the larger churches in Europe it was refreshing because it is not set up for tourists. We were very lucky when we were there as there were some choral singer practising with the enormous organ providing the music.


This splendid and immense church has stunning 1930s and modern stained-glass among its visual attractions.


An amazing gothic cathedral with v impressive architectural features. Good for a 10-15 minute wander round. Information cards are in French only. Currently undergoing some external renovations


The basilika is currently going through a lot of renovation work. It was badly damaged through war. It would be interesting to return to see the finished work.


Breathtaking building, such height! Overwhelming scale, last time I was this impressed I was in St.Peter's Rome for the first time.


Il s'agit là d'un véritable chef-d'œuvre gothique, mais qui, n'ayant pas le statut de cathédrale, n'a pas atteint la renommée d'autres édifices, pas nécessairement aussi beaux.On peut ne venir à Saint-Quentin que pour la basilique, et ne pas le regretter!


Magnifique basilique en plein centre de ville, ce monument représente beaucoup, c est au cœur de l édifice que nous avions échange nos consentements, cérémonie célébrée par le doyen de la basilique ... Ce site à aussi été le terrain de tournage du film la 'reine Margot' en 1994 : Scène du lmariage d'Henri et de Marguerite a été tourné dans la basilique, les cathédrales Notre-Dame de Paris et Notre-Dame de Reims étant trop fréquentées.À faire, sans hésitation, vous pouvez dans la foulée visiter l Hôtel de Ville situe à quelques pas de la Basilique.


Harmonie d'une exposition florale et d'un concert donné par plusieurs artistes en ce lieu "grandiose".Merci à tous ces bénévoles qui savent nous convier à partager des moments inoubliables.Continuez à nous permettre d'apprécier ces lieux !

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