musees et domain nationaux de compiegne
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When you read the history of this Chateau, you realize that it played a very important part in the lives of the Kings, Queens and Emperors. This being the case I thought I had better drop by.I recall on departing the building, "That was a long way to come to see a few nice tables and chairs and a bed or two - and of course an empty ballroom.. Looking back on my trip now , my main memory is of the Napoleon bicorm hat in the Gift Shop. For 20 minutes I 'tossed up' weather or not to actually buy it. It was a bit over a thousand euros. I still wonder if I should have - or why I didn't. I only learned recently that Napoleon turned his bicorm side on during the battles to draw attention to himself. Anyhow, the beautiful park in front of the Hotel de Ville was worth the trip to Compiegne anyway. Brian, from Perth. W. Australia
I have been coming to Compiegne Castle where the Musees et Domain Nationaux de Compienge is based. It has been reviewed more fully than I can here but I would like everyone to know that no only is it an interesting place to visit, it is set in the most beautiful grounds where children and their parents can walk, or be pushed in prams, or ride their bikes surrounded by masses of beautiful rose bushes. There are plenty of seats and for many years I have been here with my friends children and taken lunch or afternoon tea on an Easter or Summer's day. From the Palace there is a wonderful walk gently uphill and when you get to the top and look round there is an amazing view of the Chateau. Well worth a visit as is Compiegne and its' surroundings generally. I can highly recommend this lovely town.
We went through the beautiful Apartments of the Emperor and Empress with an audio guide. Check your audio guide at the desk as the attendant gave us one in English and the other in French by mistake and we had to hike back by the time we discovered it. The Museum of the Second Empire and the Transportation Museum are available only on a guided tour in French and it is advisable to book in advance. We didn't know this and were disappointed to miss them.
Compiègne is the place where Napoleon met Marie-Louise, Napoléon had "his week ends". All the appartments from Louis 16th and Napoléon's time have been recently beatifully "refurbished", using exactly the original techniques.However costly this job was, it has been beautifully made!It'a a must to see how all this look like when like new and to be surprised by the even "flashy" look they had when they were used. The Napoleonic appartments look incredibly modern, even for people of the 21st cent.
Yes its small but has some very interesting information. My husband loves military history and found it all very interesting
Visinting the Napoleonic palace has been really nice. Prices were reasonable, the audioguide was very good and the place itself impressive. A good possibility to imagine how life in a 19th century royal palace looked like. Also, the staff were friendly and helpful.However, be careful about the other museums mentioned on the website. These are only open quite irregularly. If you are interested in any of them, I suggest you contact the staff beforehands. I was quite disappointed not to see neither the 2nd Empire Museum nor the Car museum.The Park is nice, but not inspired at all. If you don't have plenty of time or something for a picknick at hand, you can as well pass this one.
Nenhuma visita à Compiègne está completa sem uma passagem pelo castelo, um lugar incrível, lotado de cultura e que encanta a vista.
On a l' impression que le temps s'est arrêté à Compiègne et on peut admirer toutes ces merveilles tranquillement, sans presse et sans bruit .Nous avons eu la chance de tomber sur une attraction originale pendant les vacances de Noel: une formidable comédienne nous a raconté des contes d' Andersen avec un grand talent . Nous avons pu nous asseoir pour l' écouter dans une grande salle de bal et nous étions aussi captivés que les enfants . Aux beaux jours, le parc est superbe et facile d' accès par rapport à la ville .
Compiègnois de naissance, cela faisait 10 ans que je n'avais visité le châ ne suis pas déçu , l'entrée est à un prix abordable (gratuit pour pas mal de catégories de personnes)..les pièces visitables valent le coup d'oeil sans que cela soit exceptionnel. Le parc est magnifique (j'y suis allé des dizaines de fois, pour ceux le qualifiant de "moyen" ; lavez vous les mirettes ou allez y de mai à septembre).
un bon moment passé ici avec un guide qui peu paraître un peu mou mais qui explique vraiment très bien et qui est très cultivé, le château est bien entretenu et mérite vraiment que l'on s'y arrête; le parc moyen et la partie automobile très moyenne heureusement que le guide était bon.
Le château est beau et nous nous faisions une joie de le visiter,mais le personnel d'accueil est froid, ne vous apporte aucun renseignement, il faut tout demander,même l'audioguide qui est compris n'est pas proposé. Le château doit ouvrir a 10h mais le personnel n'ouvre la porte que vers 10h10 et pour fermer a 12h15 pile cette fois et vous n'avez pas tout vu il faut donc revenir a 13h30 pour la suite:-) Par contre nous avons fait une belle visite commentée des appartements du roi de Rome mais c'est en supplément, notre guide connaissait bien son sujet Nous sommes une famille fan de château mais nous ne conseillons pas celui ci rien que pour l'accueil et les renseignements qui sont nuls
La visite du Château de Compiègne réserve de belles surprises : quelques pièces sont magnifiquement meublées : la Chambre de l'Empereur , celle de l'Impératrice...tentures , soieries de Lyon .. Mais pour le Musée de la Voiture , les visites sont guidées et il faut réserver .
Magnifique château avec de beaux salons, une grande salle de bal, et beaucoup de souvenirs historiques, surtout de Napoléon III et de sa femme l'impératrice Eugénie. Malheureusement les photos sont interdites même sans flash alors qu'elles sont autorisées dans le château de Fontainebleau. Parking difficile sur la place devant le château vu l'encombrement.