the battles gallery
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

The size of the paintings are massive and this place is huge. A lot of good art diplaying the battles. a good long walk across the huge hall way displaying the amazing artwork
This is a large hallway that contains paintings of every French battle to have taken place when Louis-Philipe commissioned the art work. There is a painting for Yorktown and Washington is in the painting, but he is not the one leading the battle since he is not French.
They built this gallery in this huge place to show battles they were in. So back then it was a see how good we are just amazing in its size
This was my favourite place in the Palace much more understated than the Hall of Mirrors. Well worth walking the extra few yards to take a look.
Very large paintings and decorations remembering the victories of France. Take your time to enjoy each painting as you pass through the gallery.
The Battles Gallery has many paintings about the history of French warfare covering centuries of battles. The paintings are very detailed and it's interesting the see how battle has changed thru time and the different weapons used depending on the time period.
The Galerie des Batailles (Battles Gallery) is a fine collection of paintings, which intend to glorify French military history. Here you will find a 120 meter long gallery, which includes 120 paintings, busts and references to French military achievements from the Battle of Tolbiac (496) to the Battle of Wagram (1809). The paintings are organised in a chronological order allowing you to browse through the stages of history from a military success point of view. The gallery was designed and commissioned in 1833 by Louis-Philippe and was opened to the public in 1837 as part of the inauguration of the Museum of French History. The Battles Gallery was seen as a a highlight of the museum at that time and it is difficult to see it as anything less than that now, particularly if you are interested in the subject matters of war, military history or French history in general.Of the paintings on display, only four existed prior to 1833. These include Austerlitz ( Gérard), The Entry of Henri IV into Paris (Gérard), Bouvines (Horace Vernet) and Fontenoy (Horace Vernet). The remaining works were painted within the gallery between 1834 and 1845 by important history painters of that time. Overall, we very much enjoyed the works of the Battles Gallery. While the overall quality of some of the paintings didn't seem comparable to what you can see in many of Paris' fine art museums, the collection as a whole was comprehensive and generally impressive. It is a place that is welldeserving of your time when visiting Versailles.
Es la exposición más grandes de cuadros y bustos con las representaciones más emblemáticas de la Historia de Francia.
No castelo alem da beleza em si do local vc encontra a historia dos reis, a linha de sucessão e tudo que se relaciona a eles, afinal foi construído para abrigar vários reis e rainhas da época... Tem uma galeria que retrata quem fez parte dessa historia e por ali passou, muito bem representado por quadros da alta nobreza.
Огромная коллекция картин, рассказывающая о всех выдающихся битвах в истории Франции, а также портретная живопись. Особого внимания заслуживает стеклянный потолок и его великолепное оформление. Обязательно посетите эту галерею, насладитесь шедеврами живописи.
En esta magnífica galería se exhiben mas de treinta cuadros de las grandes batallas que contribuyeron a la construcción de Francia (desde la de Tolbiac, en 496, hasta la de Wagram, en 1809). También se aprecian mas de 50 bustos de célebres personajes intervinientes en las mismas. Imperdible!
Esta sala está llena de cuadros que muestran diversas batallas y bustos de militares... es interesante pues cuenta una historia y no es solo opulencia.
Версальская галерея битв представляет собой роскошный, прекрасно освещенный за счет прозрачной крыши зал, на стенах которого изображены выдающие военные победы французских королей, одержанные за более, чем 14 веков. Впечатляющее зрелище, достойное восхищения! Мы конечно, мало что запомнили из рассказа экскурсовода, но налюбовались с удовольствием!
Ничего особенного, да и военная тема меня не привлекает. Гораздо интереснее были покои короля и королевы и зеркальная галерея. Галерея меня не зацепила.
In questa lunghissima galleria sono raccolti grandi dipinti che ritraggono le grandi battaglie della storia di Francia dai tempi di Clodoveo nel Quinto secolo a quelle napoleoniche dell’Ottocento. Un concentrato di storia e arte. Vale la visita quando si è a Versailles.