kolobrzeg lighthouse
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开放时间: 暂无

a lot of attraction for kids beach and ships next to it as weel as restaurants ,I recommend fish at rywinski close to latarnia
This lighthouse is filled with history. Definitely something you can't miss if you're in Kolobrzeg! Next time I'll make sure to go inside and have a look around, perhaps then I'll give the lighthouse 5 stars.
What is there to be said... nice surroundings, vibrant port, with a plentiful lot of cafes and merchant shacks selling tourist crap..
Certainly worth seeing - the view from the top is great, both to the sea and to the town. Plus the museum with a display of minerals in its cellar is interesting as well - a great thing for collectors with all the stones and minerals you can purchase there, yay!
Its easy to reach and well worth walking up the 30 (or so) stairs. The harbour is not very busy - at least not when we were there - December / January 2013/14.
This beautiful landmark even had interesting artifacts in the museum, as well as gift shops for souvenirs. Very informative of the rich history of Poland.
The tower is a bit of a nonsense. Whilst it is nice to look at and it has lovely views it isn't up to much as museum which the owners are trying to use as a unique selling point. On both floors on your way to the top are gift shops which over run the floor. There are a few items that have been hauled out of some boats or ships like a wooden ships wheel, radio, radar and sounder equipment which is ancient probably from the 60s or 70s. A lot of other maritime 'tat' is strewn around the first floor and the second had a nice wee model diorama made from card. other than that is the views you are there for. They are excellent and on a nice day you can see for miles up the beaches and out to sea. It was nice to watch the tourist boats steaming in and out even if they are slightly tacky. I'd still recommend going up for a look, if your six feet tall, watch your head on the first stairway up!! its designed for hobbits!
it started of very very small but then the stairs became wide, some platforms on the way up with shops and museums. The view from the top is great!
It is quite symbolic place in Kolobrzeg, it has very beautiful view from the top on harbor and surrounding area. It doesn't cost much as i remember it is around 3zl. A bit of a walk to the top. If you are there you have to see it.
Маяк расположен в конце главной набережной города, рядом с местом где река Парсента уходит в море. Маяк кирпичный и сравнительно невысокий, он в хорошем техническом состоянии, видно, что недавно делали ремонт. На маяк можно подняться, отсюда замечательный вид на море, пляж и город. Что порадовало - ночью его подсвечивают, что добавляет ему красоты. Обязательный пункт для посещения в Колобжеге.
Es ist eine Pflicht bei ANKUNFT und ABREISE den Leuchtturm zu begrüßen und zu verabschieden. Dieses ist als ehemaliger Seemann Pflicht.Man sollte sich die Gedenktafeln am Leuchtturm vom Hafenmeister durchlesen (deutsch).
Piękny widok z góry. Wnętrze latarni morskiej, ekspozycja makiet latarni polskiego wybrzeża, muzeum minerałów. Zbyt drogie bilety, zwłaszcza do muzeum minerałów, gdzie siedzi niekulturalna panienka i sprzedaje pamiątki głośno łuskając ziarnka słonecznika obrzydzając tym zwiedzanie.
Warto odwiedzić bardzo pięknie zachowaną latarnię morską. Blisko znajduje się promenada z całą masą restauracji. Miejsce obowiązkowe do zobaczenia w Kołobrzegu
Militärisch gestalteter Leuchtturm, gute Aussicht von oben, ein Besuch wert. Man kann dann auch schon an der Promenade lang laufen und die seebrücke besuchen. Die vielen kleinen Souvenirstände laden zum stöbern ein.
Ciekawie usytuowana, po wejściu na górę (bilet 6 zł) można podziwiać panoramę Kołobrzegu. Sama też dobrze komponuje się na zdjęciach.