tropaeum traiani monument
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History, location, charming location, not so well known, it's a part of romanian past. Monument, museum and old city.
The monument is perhaps as awe-inspiring as it used to be when it was built 19 centuries ago. The place is clean and pleasant, suitable for families; and especially recommended for history fans. The modern reconstruction is a bit too white and new-looking, with a certain wedding cake quality to it - so don't forget to check the nearby museum in Adamclisi where the original marble pieces are stored and get a better idea of the scale of the monument. Tropaeum Traiani is an easy day trip destination from Constanta, and it's also very affordable. No food options at the site, so be prepared.
In the middle of nowhere between the river Danube and the Black Sea lies an old and great and forgotten roman monument.
Falling down, boarded up, surrounded with bad tempered road workers, piles of concrete, orange mesh preventing you from getting anywhere & dust!!What an awful impression of Cinstanta!You can see the Opera Houses former glory....JUST!!Let's hope that the renovations make it better. We called in from a Black Sea Cruise, and am tempted to say DONT BOTHER!!The entire old city being dug up. Not sure if new concrete is going to improve it...but I'd love to be proved wrong!Such a sad site to see a city so dead and quiet. Like a ghost town. It was early Sept? Hardly out of Season!
Although under renovations during my time of visit, this monument still possesses an awe-inspiring presence. The viewing is simply walking around the monument and if desired, checking out a dirt path or two leading to a point of interest, but that was the full extent of the site. However, I did not go during peak season either - fairly evident they were gearing up for the tourists to arrive in the following weeks when the site may be more interactive. There is satisfactory information provided, but would have liked even more about the area. As stated by others, the Roman history in this region is astounding; visiting the ruins of the Adamclisis in the valley below the monument enhances the experience. As I biked past the road leading to Tropaeum Traiani, I thought 'What is an extra km or two?', so turned around and headed in - I am exceedingly happy to have made the stop.
Impressive monument, good recontruction of an ancient monument. It is not well maintained, and marketing arround the monument is 0. Near is the museum and the ruines partly reconstructed of the ancient city. Is worth a visit even only to see a great monument from ancient history.
Amazing piece of history a huge renovated monument The museun is also good too bad that both are not advertised or properly maintained Build by the romans to celebrate their victory over dacians in those times it was a memorial for the local population over their defeat to the romans Overall I liked it a lot
Very impressive Monument . It was a bit of a drive but once you get there and talk with the Gate Keeper and you read about the history and imagine the huge battles that happened in this area you feel and imense respect for all those that died in many battles. The place is quiet and peaceful and the Monument is something to study ..The gaurd let us inside and we got to see the actual original monument..amazing and so old..
Tropaeum Traiani is at the entrance in the Adamclisi commune and can be easily seen from the main road. The monument is beautiful, but the surroundings are full with garbage and plastic bottles. The entrance is 7 lei. I also reccomend to visit the Adamclisi Arheological Site nearby.
The present edifice is a reconstruction dating from 1977 of a monument built in 109 in then Moesia Inferior, to commemorate Roman Emperor Trajan's victory over the Dacians, in 102, in the Battle of Tapae. The monument was erected on the place where legio XXI Rapax had previously been defeated in 92The nearby museum contains many archaeological objects, including parts of the original Roman monument. Most people come to Dobrogea and only see the Black Sea resorts or the Danube Delta but this is an ancient land that has a rich history . There is a bus to Adamclisi from the bus station near train station in Constanta but the best way to get there is with a car . Adamclisi is 70 km away from Constanta.
c'est LE monument de l'Empire Romain par excellence. L'Empire au sommet de la gloire, tout content de refaire ses caisses en pillant les richesses des scythes et des daces et leurs mines d'or. La porte d'entrée de l'Empire vers la Dacia a été cette région qui une fois coupée de la mer a permis à Trajan d'envahir et soumettre ce peuple de guerriers qui a résisté et même par moment soumis l'Empire à des dommages de guerre et tributs.Le Trophée de Trajan (Tropaeum Traiani) est LE SPOT INCONTOURNABLE de l'histoire roumaine, tout cela est raconté sur la Colonne de Trajan située sur la Place Trajan avant l'entrée du Capitole de Rome.
Ci siamo arrivati al tramonto dopo un viaggio di circa 300 km, l'ultima parte del quale nel "mezzo del nulla". Ma ci DOVEVO arrivare! Monumento estremamente suggestivo, di un bianco accecante che spicca su di una pianura insignificante contro un cielo azzurro. Storicamente fondamentale. Commemora la conquista della Dacia da parte dell'imperatore Traiano. E' una ricostruzione sul basamento originario. Da esaminare con cura soprattutto le metope. I soldati romani sono qui rappresentati probabilmente come erano davvero in quel tempo, al di là della rappresentazione enfatizzata e propagandistica della colonna traiana a Roma. Le metope originarie sono nel museo che sorge nel villaggio poco lontano. Un "must" per gli appassionati di storia romana; per gli altri forse non significa nulla.
Realmente é um monumento impressionante, relíquia do passado Soviético que merecia uma melhor conservação. Os arredores não estão bem cuidados com mato a crescer e alguns rastros de lixo deixado por turistas não muito concientes. De qualquer forma, vale a pena para ser fotografado e espero que seja melhor mantido.
da lontano di vede qualcosa di bianco che spunta tra belle colline coperte di grano. È lui il monumento eretto x festeggiare la vittoria qui daci. È poco pubblicizzato. Ci siamo arrivati solo xchè vedendolo da lontano è inevitabile raggiungerlo facilmente. Dalla strada principale si stacca un ampio viale che porta ad un bel parcheggio. All'entrata sulla sinistra c'é una piccola biglietteria. Il costo del biglietto è ridicolo. Quando ci sono andata lo stavano lavando ed era aperta la porta del basamento originale. Ci hanno pure fatto segno che potevamo affacciarci alla porta x vedere dentro. Sono stati molto gentili. Poco oltre seguendo la via principale c'é il grande museo con i pezzi originali. Bellissimo. In tutva la mattinata abbiamo incontrato solo una coppia di olandesi ed una di belgi. Vivamente consigliato
Purtroppo il monumento è solo una copia seppure col basamento originale, però è emozionante pensare che era stato posto proprio li per enfatizzare la vittoria sui Daci. In compenso le metope originali al museo di Adamclisi sono veramente impressive. Chicca da vedere per gli appassionati, per gli altri non significherà assolutamente nulla.