museum of almeria
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![museum of almeria](/foregin/1d8f3ad320a5f1ffa7b3c8ea25affc2a.png)
I'm an archaeologist of the Ancient Near East, but I enjoy hunting down archaeology wherever I can find it. I recently found myself with time to spare in Almeria and stopped by the museum. I loved that it was free and that the front desk people were kind and helpful, providing a brochure in my language. Even more, I loved just about everything about the museum itself, and feel it would be a great place to visit for anyone, archaeology or history buff, or not! Everything is signed in both Spanish and English, so it is accessible to the English-speaker. It is my new favorite archaeology museum, displaying how well local archaeology can be presented in a fun and educational way.One of the most amazing features of this museum is the stratigraphic column. This is the four-story tall recreation of the different time periods as they'd appear if archaeologists left a column unexcavated through all the depths of Almeria (idealized). It's a great visual that helps everyone understand how archaeologists study time and cultures, and each floor contained information that helped contextualize the time period under discussion with reference to the column. The three main floors are dedicated to three main time periods/cultures, including Los Millares (the earliest), the Argar (later), and then the third floor is split between the Roman and the Islamic time periods. Each of these floors had stunning exhibits that were accessible and interesting, and not overwhelming. I especially liked that for the Millares and Argaric time periods, the signs provided information on what was going on around the rest of the Mediterranean at the same time, so I could associate it with Egyptian and Mesopotamian advancements. You can find more info on the exhibits at, the small exhibit on the Alcazaba is fantastic, with information that I wish they had available in their museum guidebook, including a chronological history of the occupants of the castle and their material culture and changes to the castle and society.Overall, a great place to learn about the history and archaeology of the region, and also to learn about how archaeologists do their job. Stop by and enjoy some very well put together displays. A must see for Almeria!
The building is worth a visit just for the building itself, as it is just as interesting and enjoyable just to wander around, admiring it, as it is to look at the exhibits (it's a museum of archaelogy). The exhibits were laid out in quite an unusual and innovative way. A happy couple of hours were spent here. It looks like the museum is vastly under-visited and it deserves far more visitors than it gets.Tip: take your passport as it is free if you are an EU citizen!
Nothing to dislike,very informative we enjoyed our visit,easy access walking round,disabled friendly
An interesting place to wander around at leisure, although you could miss it driving around the city, as it is in what appears to be a housing area. They have used interesting and innovative ways to describe the passage of time and the whole place is clean and well signed.
Opened in 2006 on 4 floors,l was the only person there..It is in parts quite interesting but l found it a bit confusing with the layout not helping..Moderately interesting
Now called the Museum of Almeria this is essentially a large and very well-laid out archaological museum, with some very interesting ways of displaying artefacts and with a lot of space to enjoy them. It's position (basically in a residential area) is a bit surprising but it is very good - and as for several other heritage/tourist sites, it is free for EU residents to visit and not much if you're non-EU.
This is a wonderful museum and time stood still when we visited. Free! what a bargain- amazing cross section of the earth from prehistoric times until now rising up through the museum- wonderful exhibits and artefacts. This is very user friendly made a real impression children would love it. Well done Almeria
Bastante entretenido, sobre todo a gente amante de la arqueología y de la historia almeriense, aunque no por ello aburrido ya que dispone de una gran variedad de paneles informativo así como táctiles que te hacen la visita mas amena.
El edificio del actual Museo de Almería, es obra de lo arquitectos Ángela García de Paredes e Ignacio García Pedrosa está ubicado en la calle Azorín. Su sede actual fue inaugurada en el 2006, en un singular edificio que fue galardonado con los premios PAD y ARCO 2004. Es el museo más importante de la provincia de Almería, Alberga fondos arqueológicos hallados en la provincia de Almería desde la prehistoria hasta la época musulmana, procedentes de excavaciones realizadas por el arqueólogo hispano-belga Luis Siret. Son especialmente relevantes las esculturas de Los Millares y El Argar, dos de las más importantes de la España prerromana. Tiene una gran biblioteca cuyo principal fin es facilitar el conocimiento a los investigadores interesados en la historia, la arqueología y patrimonio histórico almeriense.Dispone de un gabinete didáctico, donde se organizan actividades adaptadas al público escolar principalmente.
Das Museum ist echt einen Besuch wert! Hier fließen die Ausstellung zur Geschichte der Umgebung und die moderne Architektur zusammen. Da wundert es nicht, dass das Museum 2008 ausgezeichnet worden ist. Herzstück ist eine Säule, welche die verschiedenen zeitlichen Horizonte deutlich macht. Durch Höhersteigen im Treppenhaus hangelt man sich quasi in der Zeit nach oben, bis man in der Gegenwart ankommt.Was einen aber total überrascht ist, dass man dafür keinen Eintritt zählt und freiwillige Spenden nicht vorgesehen sind. Kultur für alle. Spanien als Vorbild für Deutschland, wo aufgrund fehlenden Geldes Bevölkerungsteile einfach ausgegrenzt werden, weil diese sich den Eintritt nicht leisten können.
Ein wirklich beeindruckendes Museum, in dem die Entwicklung dieser Gegend sehr anschaulich dargestellt wird. Wie haben die Menschen in füheren Epochen gelebt, welche Nahrung nahmen sie zu sich, Welche Geräte und Behältnisse nutzten sie und welche Riten begleitete ihr Leben und Sterben. Dies Museum ist ein Muss für jeden, der sich für die Geschichte Almerias interessiert.
Es un museo muy moderno al que se le saca mucho más partido asistiendo a una visita guiada ya que está planteado con fines más didácticos que expositivos. Reúne elementos de las culturas prerromanas, romanas e hispanomusulmana. Muy interesante.
Le falta un poco mas de presentación. Pero destaca nuestro simbolo, EL INDALO! Interesante de ver! =)
Nos ga gustado mucho! Los niños estaban eufóricos - se puede tocar todo. Hay pantallas táctiles con la información. Recomiendamos!
Muy bien presentado, nos ha gustado y nos ha sorprendido la calidad de la exposición de arte moderno en la planta principal y todo el conjunto.