national museum of montenegro
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开放时间: 暂无

This building as the National Museum of Montenegro houses both museums on Montenegrin history and Montenegrin art (and artists).Both museums feature broad and well-curated collections of important items. In the history museum it is primarily military uniforms, banners, regimental flags, weapons, etc and the art museum covers all genres of art from religious to modern.We spent more than an hour here and were glad we saved it until the last and were happy we'd fortified ourselves with coffee and a snack before embarking on it!You can purchase the Museum Pass ticket which is valid for all Cetinje museums including this one, King Nikola's Palace (Palais Royal), the Njegos Museum, the Map of Montenegro (currently closed under renovation) and the Ethnographic Museum. A great value!
We spent 2 hours in the Museum.a very interesting place to visit as it gives a full history of Montenegro,and and their royal family.
We were pleasantly surprised by the Historical part of the National Museum in Cetinje. Set inside a lovely building along with an art museum it occupies most of the ground floor and consists of an array of artifacts, paintings, illustrations and various bric a brac documenting Montenegro's history all the way from early man through to 1918 (1918 onwards was under restoration at the time of visit).A good array of period weaponry, artifacts from various Roman and Neanderthal dig sites in the area and attentive staff combined to make this an enjoyable and informative couple of hours spent out of the sun. We were the only people there with most tourists seeming to gravitate towards the monastery. If you are in Cetinje though I would recommend this place for a visit. Much more interesting to my tastes than the churches and icons the Russian tour groups go to see.
In March 2014 this museum was closed because of a minor fire. In October 2013 we were a group guided by a very competent employee, Milos, and that really gave an insight in the history of Montenegro.
After enjoying the beauty of the Montenegrin countryside and a stop in the quaint village of Njegusi, the visit to the former palace of King Nicola I was a bit of a let down. It's only part of the National Museum of Montenegro so perhaps there was more to see that we missed, but this was only an average experience compared to other museums in many different countries. Containing mainly period furniture, national costumes, weapons and various memorabilia from King Nicola's reign, I would say that this place is worth a stop if you happen to be in the area, but not worth going out of your way to see.
The history of Montenegro up to 1918 is illustrated with pictures, objects and artefacts in a very instructive manner. We had a very good guide along at that improved our visit a lot. The period after 1918 will be exposed later but they are not ready yet revising the titoist interpretations that once were there.
This is the national museum so there is a five room gallop through fifteen thousand years of history except that the 20th C room was closed. I enjoyed the photos of the Balkan soldiers in their camp outfits and a decree from Peter the Great. I was the only visitor. The Russian tour groups just go to the monastery which is kept for coreligionists to see because of the holy relics there.
I have seldom felt more idiot than there with a busload of forty people packing to the small rooms of the King Nicola parts of the museum waiting to previous groups to move forward. The museum guide was kind enough to escort me out when I got enough.The museum is alright, even charming but the precious forty minutes would have been better spent in the garden restaurant only 100 meters from the museum.
The National Museum is actually a museum complex, which includes a number of different museums in different buildings: the ethnographic museum, King Nikola’s Palace, the National Art Gallery, the archaeological museum, the Petar II Petrovic Njegoš exhibition, the house where he was born, etc. Don't do what I did and miss something you would have liked to see by going to the wrong one!Friendly, knowledgable, English-speaking guides. The parts of the museums I saw were pretty modern, and shouldn't present major obstacles to visitors with mobility issues.
Я пошла в этот музей только ради одного - уникальная икона Пресвятой Богоматери "Филермская"! Она расположена в голубой часовне - это комната, построенная специально для хранения иконы с голубым светом. Икона написана самим апостолом Лукою. Конечно, прискорбно, что раньше эта святыня была при дворе наших императоров, а теперь храниться в музее, но, наверное, это был единственный шанс сохранить ее.
W zasadzie całe miasto ma elementy muzeum ze względu na swoje duże znaczenie historyczne jest niesłychanie ważne dla Czarnogóry i pełni rolę centrum kulturalnego i religijnego tego kraju. Najbardziej okazałym budynkiem w mieście jest Muzeum Narodowe, niegdyś pałac (XIXw) ostatniego króla, Mikołaja I Petrovicia. Według słów przewodnika został splądrowany podczas II wojny światowej. Znajdujące się w obiekcie eksponaty stanowią zaledwie niewielką część oryginalnego wyposażenia, ale można tu podziwiać ciekawą kolekcję obrazów i dawnej broni.
Людям, привыкшим к огромны музеям он покажется маленьким, но в свое время он очень достойно представлял королевство Черногории. Построен бал во второй половине Х1Х века, отделка соответствовала требованиям того времени. Этот дворец дает представление о правящей династии Черногории, интерьеры полностью показывают жизнь королевской семьи, можно преследить тесную связь с Россией.
Честно признаюсь, в мы попали в это милое место, потому, что шел дождь. И хотя у нас обоих гуманитарное образование и мы посещаем все музеи, которые попадаются нам по дороге, в это учреждение культуры мы не собирались, т. к. знакомы с историей Черногории и в общих чертах представляли себе экспозицию музея. Кстати, это мнение полностью подтвердилось. Посетителей в музее было двое - мы. Но удивило нас не только это. Нас просто потрясли костюмы и мундиры правителей Черногории - это одежда богатырей! Очень жаль, что эти экспонаты никак не подписаны, нет указаний кому именно они принадлежали. Экскурсоводов ни живых ни аудио нам никто не предлагал (а жаль, мы бы взяли!), но на вопросы один из служащих с видимым удовольствием ответил. При этом, мы говорили по-русски, а он по-черногорски, но мы отлично поняли друг друга!
Приятный музей, но не стоит своих денег. Экспонаты в идеальном состоянии, но их выставлено немного. Национальные костюмы, инструменты, утварь, гравюры. " этажа, но хотелось бы большего