golden gate national cemetery
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If you never have the opportunity to visit Arlington Cemetery on the East Coast this is a pretty good substitute. There is too much history to list it all, but here are some samples. Lying next to each other are 4 of the USN's leading commanders from WWII and near them is the grave of Congressman Leo Ryan who was killed during the Jonestown Massacre of November 18, 1978. There are 15 Medal of Honor recipients, as well 44 German and Italian prisoners-of-war from World War II. There are also the remains of 24 victims of the ammunition ship explosion that occurred at Port Chicago on July 17, 1944 interred there.If you are ever in the area and have any interest in history take the time to visit this often over-looked gem. You won't regret it.
Declining number of cemetery staff do their best to efficiently operate this National Cemetery and keep it looking its best. Office staff very friendly and helpful for all visitors in this place of respect.
A great place to contemplate the ultimate sacrifice made by so many so that we can take our many freedoms for granted... The Land of the Free, Because of the Brave.
There is no better way to teach children patriotism than showing them thru Golden Gate National Cemetery. We pointed out the ages of the soldiers who died in combat, which brought out "They're so young" from our teen.
Veterans from the the Spanish American War and every war since are represented here. The uniform rows of headstones are impressive, but reading the names and dates on them give clues to the wives and children that were part of these lives well lived. A small group of comrades in arms surround the grave of General Douglas MacArthur and show the touching regard theses tough guys had for each other. An amazing place to look for our humanity.
If you have an interest in history, you ought to make the trip to see the final resting place of the greatest command team in naval history. Chester Nimitz, Raymond Spruance, Charles Lockwood, and Richmond Kelly Turner agreed to rest for eternity together, along with their wives at Golden Gate National Cemetery. They have no special memorials--the simply rest side by side.
It may sound odd to say that a cemetery can be beautiful, but like Arlington National Cemetery and the cemetery at the Presidio they take your breath away when you enter them. The rows and rows of white headstones laid out in symmetrical patterns make you realize how many people have sacrificed their lives or given service to their country so that Americans can continue to enjoy their freedom. As one of the guides at Arlington said, "Freedom is not free."The Golden Gate Cemetery is in the city of San Bruno and is right across from a mall. We went to visit the grave site of my aunt and uncle who have been here since 1962. The National Cemeteries offer people a moment of peace and quiet to honor those who have served their country. A lot of thought and planning went into the design of these cemeteries to give those who have served their country a final resting place that is beautiful and peaceful.
I have a special interest in the Pacific War. I translated into English the autobiography of Mitsuo Fuchida, the leader of the attack on Pearl Harbor, and spent many hours researching plans and battle movements of the US and Japanese navies.Just minutes from San Francisco International Airport, Golden Gate National Cemetery is the final resting place of Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz--in my opinion, the Great Admiral whose leadership and strategic insights played a decisive role leading to victory in the Pacific.Admirals Spruance, Turner and Lockwood are also buried here.The visit takes only a few minutes, but it is definitely worth a stop.
Очень понравилось как все благоустроенно на данном кладбище. Все монументы установлены ровными линиями. Отличный пример как должно выглядеть кладбище.
No esperen mas que eso, es un inmenso puente rojo el gran puente de todas las películas igual si estas en San Fco no podes no conocerlo
Na verdade conheci o cemitério primeiramente quando estava correndo e passei por uma entrada lateral onde não havia nenhuma indicação de que não poderia correr lá. Como parecia o espaço ideal, acabei conhecendo boa parte do cemitério, ainda que sem parar para olhar em detalhe. Posteriormente entrei pelo portão principal e percebi que lá havia uma indicação de que não é permitida a prática de atividades esportivas no local, bastante compreensível.