kurt cobain memorial park
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I think a lot of people have thought about Kurt. This poor, tragic person had the cards stacked against him from the beginning; raised in a blue collar, poor family in Aberdeen...which is a really bleak place, is sadly understandable why he turned became an addict. The fact that such rare talent emanated from the frail, unhealthy physical frame of Kurt...was a miracle in itself. He was by all means an attractive guy, noticeable voice, talented with song-writing and guitar composition.I think he was shocked by his VERY fast rise to fame; he wasn't mentally or physically able to handle that crushing regimen of mega concerts, staying in hotels, living the high life. He was born on a collision course as an unstable hot-white burning meteor which had a short life span trajectory back down to earth in flames. He was doomed from the start and had barely containable control over his #1 demon.The mindset of an addict is not something I understand or ever will. It's a tragic waste of life and has a very short expectancy. Despite Kurt's one in a million chance to escape the foul region of Aberdeen, the damages he incurred had crippled his ability to recognize & seize upon the rare fortunes he definitely earned by raw talent alone. He quickly amassed a small fortune, got a big house in WA, but his life and soul belonged to heroin...and it cashed in it's final bill.When a town's most notable celebrity is famed for him, it's NOT a compliment to the area.
This is a place that actually inspired the creation of a song. Unlike other super touristy music related attractions, the memorial is more like a site for pilgrimage where you'll find fellow travellers who love the music of Kurt Cobain and Nirvana. The site seems to be in the exact same condition as when Kurt Cobain himself used to sleep under the bridge - shadowy, wild, and desperate. If you are a huge Nirvana fan, then you can't miss this place
Visit on a cold, rainy day (there are lots of those) and get Nirvana on your ipod: this is where Kurt grew up; the bridge he lived under as a teenager, and the gray, moody weather that no doubt inspired many of his angst ridden songs.
I had fun visiting the memorial, there were few tourist but it looks lonely, there was no flowers or anything (makes me wish I would have bring some), it was an exceptional experience to be able to hang out for a little bit on a place where he once was, writing songs, its a little hidden and small, but totally worth it if you are a Nirvana fan!
Kurt Cobain apparently found very little happiness in Aberdeen and neither did I. It's a place that feels old, used up, forgotten. Perhaps there are people there who are imagining a way to bring the core of the town back to life. I hope they manage to ignite energy and vitality into the place again -- that would be a good thing. Getting to the memorial park is easy enough with GPS or simply by asking anybody because everybody who lives there knows. I found the place to be just another place under a bridge, like so many other thousands of places being occupied by unhappy, lonely or just day-dreamy kids right this very minute all across this country. The Wishkah River isn't lovely here, but I love rivers, and I like to hope that Kurt found at least a little serenity here. We know his modest childhood home is just down the street, and we know there was very little happiness for him there.It's easy for me to stand beneath this bridge and see a little blonde boy lost in his thoughts, wishing for something better in his life, wondering what it all means. It makes me want to cry for him and all the lost children. Maybe this is a memorial park for Kurt Cobain, but to me it almost feels like a holy place that makes me want to pray for people to be better parents, less selfish.
From the "Come as you are" sign as you enter town, and this small and simple memorial park. Any Nirvana fan will feel the history of Kurt and his connection with his hated hometown of Aberdeen,WA. As a HUGE fan I was deeply touched by these small acknowledgements. If they had erected a statue and renamed half the streets in town it would have felt like the pure B.S. it would have been. Really considering that any time the subject came up, Kurt wouldn't miss the chance to slam Aberdeen. Remember he HATED this place! So a memorial had to be very low key, and I feel thats exactly whats accomplished here. There's no entry fee's, or T-Shirts on sale. or even signs. (If we hadn't had our G.P.S we wouldnt have found it.) No big cheesy puff and stuff. Just a Left-Handed guitar statue (A Fender "JagStang" the guitar Kurt designed for Fender) a couple quotes. and the river (The same river Kurts mother threw her boyfriends guns into after a fight, Kurt watched this, then later payed a friend to retrieve them and pawned them to buy a guitar. ) And underneath the bridge. Which at one low point in his life, was a better option than home for him. Kurt put Aberdeen on the map, so to speak. The town had to acknowledge that, But how they did it tells me that something very important has happened in the broken and beaten town of Aberdeen since Kurt called it home. That this town has tried to honor and remember a member of its flock who not only fled, but spoke only of its inadequacies. That they erected a tribute that Kurt wouldn't be embarrassed by. Its just a quite acknowledgment, not an attempt to cash in, not an attempt to be something its not. Just a small patch of donated land. The man who donated the land said he wasn't doing anything with it, Its just all brambles, why not make something nice for people to come to? As we drove out of town I saw two young lesbian girls walking together, lovingly holding hands. I smiled as I thought about how Kurt would have loved that. We can all only be who we are, but we can always work to fix the parts of our-self's we don't like. Aberdeen, whether they know it or not, Listened to Kurt. and like anyone who actually LISTENED to him. They are better for having known him.
Make sure you get your directions before you go find this place. The small little park is at the end of a dead end road under the bridge. The town of Aberdeen just makes you feel so sad, it seems like it is really in decline. This little park is a nice quiet place on the river and you can see why Kurt came and hung out here. A nice remembrance for Kurt....
All the way from Melborune, Australia we came to the park and chilled under Kurts bridge. It was awesome and kind of eerie to be in such a pivotal part of Kurts childhood. A MUST for any Nirvana fan.
It was cool seeing Kurt's memorial and his house right down the street. He was the best thing to ever come out of Aberdeen.
I've been a longtime Nirvana fan (since I was 15, before Nevermind even came out!) and am from the East Coast so grew up reading and hearing about Aberdeen via news articles and even Cobain speaking about it. I had no idea I would be passing through this town on my way to Olympic National Park but there it was! And when I spotted the tiny signs indicating the way to the park, I knew I had to check it out. Frankly, I was worried it would be cheesy and dumb, something Kurt would have hated, but I thought it was absolutely fitting to the person he really was. A very Kurt-like memorial, to be sure, with a couple plaques, and a guitar, but mostly it was all about being Under the Bridge for me. I had read about that spot and imagined it many times. And to be there....it was amazing, and actually a very pretty spot with a nice view from his place under the bridge there. One of the loveliest spots in all of town that I could see from my brief visit. I was really touched; it is a small, damp place, with a view of the river and the water rushes waving in the breeze, and the sun was setting while I was there. To the left, the "drippings from the ceiling" from the song's lyrics (Something in the Way), and the occasional rhythmic thunk of the cars on the bridge above. I felt connected to Kurt Cobain just as I did when I was young, and it is a place I will never forget. The graffiti was almost all positive and heartfelt and brightened up what was otherwise a dark space. So happy to see that this place is not commercial or lame. I honestly think Kurt would have loved it.
Such a cool place to visit! I could really imagine Kurt hanging-out here writing songs. View of the River is lovely.
Pretty darned good musician but the memorial seems designed as an attempt to draw in tourism. It is a fact the this man really didn't like Aberdeen and his personal life style of abusing drugs and alcohol are nothing that should be celebrated let alone his suicide.
when i was there to see the place i went past his house thats for sale in Aberdeen then walked down to see the park. there were no needles down there at all and all there was like someone was trying to start a fire under the bridge and next time i go im take pics of it since Kurt Cobain was one of my fav singers and yeah im not that old im only 25 but i liked all of his songs.
The blip on the map would appeal to Grunge fans and history buffs. It is now a small tribue park where Kurt used to spend his troubled days as a teenager. If you are brave, you can venture underneath the overpass bridge and you might see some of Kurt's personal graffiti. You can also see a small tribute sign to a Nirvana song.Watch out for trash and occasionally temporary residents.
Very small grassy area next to the Young Street Bridge, that you really have to look to find. You'll go passed it a couple of times before you see that you have to turn before the bridge to swing into the park. From the bridge, it looks like someone's back yard, but the monument is next to the bridge itself. If you're a Nirvana fan, I guess it's worth the moment.