elk head brewery


地址: 暂无

开放时间: 暂无

elk head brewery



Friendly spot with local color and very welcoming to vistors. It's the only real beer in Ocean Shores.


Perfect little set up. Elkhead Brewery Beer and warm mixed nuts. The owner brewer and staff are very down to earth and friendly. They know their beer science! This is a good place to stop for a pint of good craft beer or fill up a growler. Their snacks are super simple .you can buy warm nuts, trail mix, pickled hard boiled eggs or spicy beef stick. Very beery manly snacks and good company. Have fun. Elkhead Brewery has a larger facility in Buckley, WA ...I believe.


This was a fun find for my wife and I. This one place you have to look for and is worth it. Not much from the outside but ads to the find. Inside is simple but has you sit down on log seats, taste good cold beer, eat warm nuts and visit with locals. All with very reasonable pricing. A very good find indeed. We will be back!

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