4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

我和老婆之前去过华盛顿好几次呢,但是由于一些原因,从来都没有来过Ford Theatre. 这家博物馆里呈现出来美国内战的历史, 而且表现出来的特点都是美国内战时期的——所以你有很多可以读的东西。你可以在附近走走,然后学一些你想要学到的东西。剧院里有Park Ranger的演讲,你从他的演讲里可以得到很多信息,例如刺杀当天和当晚发生了什么事儿之类的。看到街对面林肯遇刺前所在的地方还是很有意思的。如果你对这类信息感兴趣的话,自己可以在这里学到很多东西。总的说来,我们在这边过得非常愉快。
国家保护区不仅仅有剧院还有很多景点。你可以买票参团(有时间限制),如果你在华盛顿待多过一天,那最好提前一天买票,保证时间。白天剧场还有表演,因此时间和剧目可选的有限。我建议在没有演出的时候去,能看到很多东西。以现在的标准看,剧场非常小,但是你能看到林肯遇刺时坐的包厢。对我来说有趣的是地下博物馆里各种影响和物品的展示。其中还有林肯穿的衣服,刺杀他的枪,靴子等等。旅游团还包含餐馆对面的Petersen House,林肯就是被送到那里并在第二天早晨去世的。Petersen House按原貌修葺的,陈列了古旧的家具,当然我最感兴趣的还是地下博物馆,陈列了葬礼上用的东西以及追捕凶手的相关东西。我们一家人都很喜欢,推荐给所有来华盛顿的人。
This place was pretty interesting. I just wish that there was more to it. There is basically the theatre, a few things to read, and a few videos.
I have always been a great admirer of President Lincoln and their interpretive displays in the basement of the theater position him in his political and historical context. Allow plenty of time to absorb all the displays and visit the center across the street next to the boarding house where he died. 1-2 hrs total
If you are a history or Lincoln fan this is a must see. If you read most printed material and watch the videos plan on 3 hours. It's free just pick up a ticket at the ticket counter. Be sure to go across the street to look at the bedroom he died in. Allow 1 hour to view all of the exhibits in that building. It's included in the free ticket. They have a nice gift shop. Next door is a fun place for lunch. The Lincoln Waffle House.
This was a stop that we made and it was interesting for the kids to see, we did not find it as interesting as some of the other stops on the tour of DC
Incredibly moving to see the setting of one of the most historical murders in American History. Well preserved and still being used to this day for shows. Also nice that there was no entrance fee and they only requested a donation of our choice to view. Not too far from the beaten path and well worth seeing.
This incredibly well preserved theater gives you a haunting look back to that fateful day in 1865. Whether you're just taking a tour or staying to take in a play, this is a great attraction for history lovers!
For any history buff, the theater is definitely worth coming to. Its very interesting to see it, as well as the exhibits it contains. Admission is free.
You will wander through the museum below at your own pace, taking in the life and story of President Lincoln, as well as his associates. After this you come to the timeline of Lincolns last day, along with that of his murderer. (Who I don't feel deserves to be named in my review, JMO). You will climb the exact stairs that were taken to the actual theater. Nest you enter the theater, which is amazing to see, and is impressive not in size but in design and detail. You can truly imagine what it would have been like to see a show here so long ago. Finally, you walk right up to the very door that was cracked open, and then wedged shut. You stand just feet from the place where he was shot, you view the exact chair he sat in, and the other details of the balcony. It is amazing, and chilling, and breathtaking, and awesome all at once. Worth seeing, and if you are like me you will get chills.Bonus tip, cross the theater through the seating area to take a full on photo of the booth framed in American flags. It will be a great souvenir and memory your visit. Better than anything you could purchase in the gift shop.Also, the visit is free, but they do ask for donations before you enter.
Ford's Theatre is worth it just to walk by and see the theatre. You don't need to go see a show, but I'd love to one day. I highly recommend walking past as you explore the city as nothing in DC is ever too far away.
Mind blown that I stood where the fate of a nation was altered forever. What can you say but wow. History at your feet.