chesapeake bay bridge-tunnel
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cape charles景点推荐
I had forgotten about the Bay Bridge-Tunnel until we flew over it on our way into Norfolk Airport. And when telling my infrastructure mad spouse about it, he just HAD to drive it. So we did.Such a novelty. Expensive toll but great to get out at the viewpoint and watch the ships pass through the channel in front of us.
This bridge has the best views outside of the Seven Mile bridge in Key West. There is a scenic outlook on Fisherman's Island and then on the pier at the Thimble Shoals tunnel. It is found at the mouth of the bay, which is the largest estuary in North America. The restaurant is ok only because it is the only place to eat when you are in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay. The food is overpriced and the table in front of us had a fly in their fish. The gift shop has typical gift shop items like magnets and keychains. It also has nautical themed items like ships made out of shells. The bathrooms were clean.The toll is terrible at $15, but if you compare it to the ugly bridges in the NY city area that are the same price, at least you are getting a great view.
I know it's weird to say that a bridge or a tunnel might be interesting, but IT IS! This thing is both. You start out on a bridge and before you know it ZHOOOP! the road has plummeted through the water and under the river. What the???? Up and down and up and down you go for miles.Do a little homework before you're actually on the bridge, so that you can enjoy it. Look it up. Read a little on it. There is a visitor's center and cafe part way across, but we've never stopped.One little thing: Although this span has never given me a problem, it does make my girlfriend a little nervous. She's driven it multiple times, though. If you've got someone that gets antsy about bridges or tunnels, well.... this is both. Might want to tuck them in the middle of the car.Don't avoid this thing. Give it a try at least once. It's so unique!
We didn't know about this marvel before we went on our road trip, and were blown away by the elegance of it. It's a long drive and nowhere to stop to take a photo of the view of or from the bridge unfortunately. But if you're heading toward Virginia, we saw there is a U-turn if you want to head back and do all 18 miles of it!
We have traveled across the bridge-tunnel several times, most recently on our way from Delaware to South Carolina. This is an example of mind-boggling engineering. You can see tankers waiting to enter the port, birdlife, and sea life. You can stop on the manmade island to have a bite -- we recommend the softshell crab sandwiches, which were delicious. Our server was helpful and his service was faultless. You can browse in the souvenir shop. You can walk out onto the fishing pier whether or not you plan to fish. This is a very welcome and scenic break if you are making a 10-hour trip. It's well worth going out of your way to travel across the spans.
As part of Va Beach Parks and Recreation Winter Wildlife Festival 2015, I took a boat excursion to Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel to view harbor seals and various birds. The CBBT viewed by water is interesting, there are sections where land is not visible and where bridge becomes tunnel. We saw numerous waterfowl including various gulls, cormorants and Great Cormorant. Harbor seals swim and hang out on rocks at bridges and tunnels. We also saw several interesting ships crossing the CBBT. The 26 mile long structure with 3 tunnels is unique.
No complaints. everyone should experience it. I haven't been on the Bridge-Tunnel in years (since i was in college) and I missed the views. Its amazing how long this thing is. It was beautiful drive
It's a marvel of engineering and vision to make the bridge tunnel configuration come to reality. I never cease to be enthralled by the feeling of engineering when I cross the Chesapeake Bay by car over the elevated highways and dive into the tunnels which are in reality only metal tubes laid into the sea bed. Quite a sight!
I could sure see my self drive this bridge and tunnel and never get tired of it!! a hurricane was moving in so the waves was awesome!!
I remember crossing the CBBT with my parents as a child and being blown away, so I was thrilled to repeat the experience 40 years later with my own kids. This work is a marvel of engineering and such a cool concept. i don't find the $13 fee excessive in relation to the tolls charged for travelling on a standard highway or the entry to some family attractions, e.g. $11 per person (including kids) to play a round of mini golf on Hilton Head Island. The views are well worth it, and teh gift shop is a standard tourist trap - but I expected no less and had not made plans to dine there.
Did from near Baltimore, MD down to Virginia Beach for a business mtg., then across the Bridge-Tunnel and up the E. Shore. Windy and big waves crashing spray on the bridge piles. Lots of cormorants and ducks in the water. With wind restrictions was not impressed that the tolltaker made us remove everything from the pickup bed and put it in the passenger compartment with us, including a 60+ pound 5-gallon bucket of ballast stone for snow/ice traction that was lashed in the back. The truck would have blown off the bridge before that would have blown out!
This bridge is incredible. You are up above the water and then you dive down underneath it. The sites are few, mostly open bay waters, but it is exciting none the less. Think this is the only one of its type in the U.S.
Took an insider tour of the CBBT which covered it's construction in the 1960s, its current operation and plans for expansion! Fascinating for young and old! View are absolutely fantastic and the gift shop and restaurant are well worth the stop!
Too see an Aircraft Carrier approaching the passenger's side is to say a bit unusual. Amazing!We have been over the CBBT about many, many times traveling between Massachusetts and Virginia and almost every time have to top on the bridge where you can take photos and watch the ships go by. It opened Northbound in April 1964 but Southbound in April 1999! Wow, I never knew that. I wonder how many extra miles someone who lived in Virginia Beach had to travel to get home from the North?