great falls national park


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great falls national park

An 800 acre park located just off the Potomac river.


I imagine if I was going there for the first time and had no idea where I was, and saw the falls and the rapids, I would assume I was in Colorado or, possibly, Alaska.


was here 2nd week of january 2015 and it was freezing cold, snow allover, swamp water are frozen, the falls itself producing cold mist, very few people around, I wonder how it would be like during the summer. I enjoyed the drive going and back this park as big mansions were so beautiful along the way. It's best for families, friends, bbq party.


Who'd have thought there was such beautiful nature so close to DC? Well worth the trip. Great walks - long or short - and spectacular views of the Potomac in full flow.


We were amazed the first time we went here. If you want to have a break from the city, it is a great place for short hikes, a picnic, or just view the amazing falls.


I have been to Great Falls National Park several times over the years and each visit has been based around a school trip, company meeting or group outing. My initial visit years ago was interesting - but subsequent visits were fine but did not yield any additional excitement. First time visitors will see some great views of the Potomac River Rapids that run along the northern side of the park. There are plenty of hiking and biking trails to follow. Limited food availability. I would recommend it to first time visitors and those who like to look at fast moving water again and again.The most I interesting encounter I had was seeing a man wearing only hiking shoes. My wife and I smiled and said, "hello." After he had passed by, we looked at each other and said, "Did we just see that?" We looked back and as he went around a bend in the trail, our initial thoughts were clearly verified.


The overlooks are right near the visitor center. Two of the three are very stroller, handicapp accessible. We enjoyed climbing rocks like spider monkeys, as my kids are 11, 14, and 16. The photo ops are staggering. You can hardly believe the views are the eastern mid-atlantic region.Go early as there is one way in and the line was huge when we left at three (greater than a mile long).


Let me start off by saying I have lived in the area for over 15 years and just recently visited this park. Park is very clean and very well-maintained. The park is beautiful and I highly recommend to go during the warm summer months and not in February. You will have a fun time walking the trails and taking pictures.


If you want to relax and be with nature, this is the place to go any time of the year. The sound of cascading water is very therapeutic whether you are savoring the view or hiking the scenic trails. Both MD and VA sides are equally astounding. On VA overlook, you can see the waterfalls drop while on MD you will see the breadth of the rapids of Potomac River. It can get crowded during the summer but definitely worth a trip. One of my "must see places" for visiting family and friends.


We have a yearly pass to the park and come here regularly. It is a great place to hike, enjoy nature, have a picnic. The trails are well-marked, the falls are always impressive, and it is a beautiful area.


This place isn't that far from the city, yet once you get here you feel so far away. It is peaceful and beautiful. Their is a walking path near the water. The overlook could be built better. It has places that are difficult to walk, but the view from the overlook is amazing. The falls are worth visiting and certainly earn their name. There is a large picnic area here, and there is a building with information, bathrooms, and a snack shop.


It is as eferyone says remarkable that such a gorgeous park can be so close to DC. Go there to take a nice nature walk, look at the river rapids, visit the small museum, and or a warm day even have a picnic. For a more adventurous hike go to the other side of the river, the GFNP on the Maryland side, and do the Billy Goat Trail!


This place is absolutely beautiful. Amazing views of the falls themselves and loads of space for the kids to run around. We went a couple of days after Christmas and luckily we got there early as the queue to get in when we left must have been a mile long! Definitely worth a trip.


I go here frequently with friends and family and have a wonderful time. There is a Virginia and Maryland side. I would suggest he Maryland billy goat trail. It is semi challenging.


Have lived in VA for 30+ years and never went to this park. Beautiful, well maintained, handicapped accessible park! We went in late October and the leaves were extraordinary. Also, went to the MD side and road a canal boat.


Nice walk with a little rock scrambling and some nice photo ops. Having a sunny day was a big plus. Bring bagged lunch and expect spot a pot and no water available.

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