chesler park loop trail


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chesler park loop trail



Careful not to get lost, it all looks the same. Its also get very hot so bring lots of water, good hike for kids.


First of all, this is a strenuous hike. Most of the 11.2 miles are fairly steep either up or down, and the heat plays a major role. But people in good health can do it if they allow enough time and don't go in the heat of summer. If you do, you will be rewarded with incredible views from deep inside an are of very unique rock formations. The joint section is a highlight, but be warned of a section that requires climbing either up or down a notched log. It's probably a little easier going up than down, to do that hike the loop section counter clockwise. Overall, I don't think that detail matters much.You'll have to do some trail finding, paying close attention to piles of rock (cairns) that mark the trail across featureless sections of slickrock. Stop at the visitor's center for a map and chat with the rangers about the trail.Expect this to consume your entire day between getting there, getting back to wherever you're staying, and recovering when you're done. Carry plenty of water, high calorie snacks, and get an early start. The drive into the park and trailhead is gorgeous. Pay attention to sunset times and don't get caught out there after dark. The pictures below are from inside the joint section, and a view from just before the Chelser Loop section. That kind of thing is common. It's everywhere! As I said, it is a uniquely spectacular hike, not to be skipped if you're physically capable.


We did not take the entire trail from Elephant Hill, as we Jeeped in with a friend. The Chesler trail is nice, but there is one place which needs to be traversed overt a 'notched post'. Try that if you are over 70! The 'joint' was really awesome. It is like a slot canyon, but made by two huge rocks splitting and one falls away just enough to allow you to pass. This 'rock' was 300 yards long! This Park is nearly inaccessible unless you have a capable vehicle or can hike like a teenager. I saw NO rubbish, not even a gum wrapper in the entire Park..


This was a beautiful hike. Canyon lands is really only accessible by jeep or hiking a good distance. This is a 6 mile hike round trip. We did an additional 4 miles (rt) to do the joint trail, which was well worth it. I would say this hike is moderate/strenuous based on the distance and terrain, but well worth it. We camped outside the park at hamburger campground. It is a better value and more beautiful than the park.


The Needles District of Canyonlands is the most spectacular. Even if you don't complete the loop (just go to the view point, 6 instead of 11 miles) you will be delighted.


Even in bad weather this hike is well worth the effort!!Amazing views. Trail is easy to follow and not to strenuous.


I hiked entire Chesler park loop trail ( 11 miles) in late November and it was amazing. I left monticello covered by snow early morning. The weather was totally cloudy with fog in the road in needles district . The non paved road until elephant hill trailhead was well maintained but with some water and shallow holes that I think it could be doable by a 2wd ( I was driving a ford explorer) in the winter. When I arrived there I was worried about trail conditions because it was snowing a lot the two days before but I was lucky and I found two park rangers in trailhead that advise me to some slippery rocky parts but it would be possible to hike. I was alone, the weather was cloudy in first two hours ( but I would see this sector in the return in the afternoon), until chesler park viewpoint. It was still cloudy when I arrived there but I could have an idea of how beautiful was chesler park. Just after three hours I met a young couple hiking. At that point you can leave a little the trail on the left to see amazing views of elephant canyon ( the path of Druid arch trail). After this the skies became clear and the views amazing with needles spires and snow forming an amazing contrast. Joint trail was also amazing and so the other half in the western part of loop trail and I could see again the chesler park viewpoint now with clear skies. The last two tours were also fantastic with sunset and needles spires and La Sal mountains and island in the sky district as backdrop. It took me 7 1/2 hours to do it mainly because the rocky terrain and steps ( ok it's almost totally flat but the rocky terrain with snow demands extra effort) . Pay attention to cairns , it is essential to do it to not get lost. And I used ihike gps in iPhone and it helped me a lot but you have to download the hiking map before to fit with your gps position. One of the best trail that I hiked, with more scenic views by time than any another hike that I did before. And the winter has the advantage to provide you low temperatures (even so I took two liters of water and some food in the winter) but you have to take care with snow in non paved roads and in the trail and mainly with short daytime because I arrived back in trailhead at 5:30 almost in the dark. But please, hike it, anytime of the year...


My wife and I spent a few hours hiking out to Chesler Park in April, 2013. The trail itself was pretty easy to follow with rock cairns placed at good distances. The sights were beautiful, unlike anything that I had ever seen. We stopped after about two miles because the weather was starting to turn, but this was easily our favorite hike in the whole of Canyonlands NP. The dirt road to the parking area was a little questionable because they had had snow recently, but our front wheel drive car made it without a problem.


We did the Chesler park loop trail from Elephant hill trailhead in a clockwise manner. The loop included the joint trail which is just pure joy !!The views of the needles is breathtaking throughout the journey including the chesler park area. This trail ( 11 miles roundtrip, 500 feet elevation gain/loss, 100+ F) took us about 7-8 hours due to the fact that it was very hot (... we are fit hikers) . Hiking poles and sturdy hiking boots recommended .


This is a moderate hike with spectacular views and interesting sandstone spires in a grassy meadow. You can stop at Chesler Park Viewpoint (5.8mi. R/T) or do an additional 4.8mi. loop to include "The Joint."


So, this is a wonderful area with water half way on the Druid loop trail. BUT! make sure to bring your walking sticks, plenty of water, and a light weight pack (I was carrying over 50 lbs with lots of camera gear). I saw a number of people really struggling (and two young men in shorts, shoes and nothing else running to Druid and back!). A gorgeous hike, beautiful area, but be careful.


It's an 11 mile hike and worth the time and effort. Absolutely spectacular. Don;t cut it short by just doing the Chesler out and back. Do the whole loop including the joint trail.


If you can get the locals to drive you, you're in for a real treat--up Elephant Hill and back over the silver stairs.


This is one of the best hikes for amateurs in Utah. Best to pay attention to the paths, but the variety of landscape is amazing. I added the Druid Arch which is fabulous, which made for a long hot 12-13 miles. Possibly encounteres two dozen people (half in one school grouo) which is amazing for such a beautiful area.


Der Chesler Park Loop Trail hat zwar eine Länge von 18 km. Aber jeder einzelne Kilometer lohnt die Anstrengung. Zunächst zur Zufahrt: Von Moab aus fährt man mehr als eine Stunde zum Needles District. Ca. 40 Meilen südlich von Moab zweigt man von der US-191 ab auf die US-211. Je weiter man die US-211 rein fährt, desto spektakulärer wird die Umgebung. Allein die Straße bis zum Visitor Center lohnt den Trip zu den Needles. Vom Visitor Center sind es noch ca. 10 Meilen bis zum Parkplatz am Elephant Hill, die letzten rund 3 Meilen davon sind „dirt road“, die aber - jedenfalls bei gutem Wetter - ohne größere Probleme zu bewältigen sind. Im Visitor Center erhält man eine Park Map mit einer Wegbeschreibung. Diese ist völlig ausreichend. Für den Rundweg werden von den Rangern etwa 6 – 8 Stunden angesetzt. Die haben wir allerdings nicht gebraucht. Die Wanderung durch die Felsnadeln ist fantastisch und abwechslungsreich, der Wegverlauf ist einfach zu finden. Es gibt Wegweiser und viele Steinmännchen auf der ganzen Strecke. Da es keine Einkehrmöglichkeiten auf dem Trail gibt, sollte man ausreichend Wasser im Rucksack dabei haben. Wir waren im März 2014 an einem sonnigen Tag unterwegs. Es war heiß, aber gut auszuhalten.Nach ca. 3 Kilometern gelangt man durch eine Felsspalte. Anschließend wandert man hinab in den Elephant Canyon. Direkt gegenüber steigt man wieder nach oben und kurz darauf ragen die Needles empor. Es geht nun zwischen den Felszacken hindurch und dann steht man im Chesler Park. Dieser ist ein von den Nadeln umgebenes, grasbewachsenes Hochplateau. Die Ausblicke sind fantastisch. In einem weiten Bogen führt der Trail rund um dieses Plateau. Man kann enweder links oder rechts herum gehen. Ab hier ist es also ein Rundweg und man kommt wieder an diesen Punkt zurück. Wir gingen links herum. Die Wanderung führt über Wiesen und mehrmals durch ein Felsenlabyrinth mit richtig engen Stellen! Einfach nur klasse. Besonders toll ist der Abschnitt, der den Namen „Joint Trail“ trägt. Dort geht es durch tiefe Spalten im Fels, die an der engsten Stelle nur ca. 60 cm breit sind. Irgendwann gelangt man wieder an den Ausgangspunkt, an dem der Rundweg begonnen hat. Und dann geht’s zurück zum Parkplatz. Wer ausreichend Kondition mitbringt, sollte sich diese fantastische Wanderung nicht entgehen lassen. Der Needles District ist im Übrigen aber auch ohne den Chesler Park Loop Trail ein Abstecher wert.

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