first farm inn horseback riding
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First Farm inn is a very fun place to ride horses. Jen was very informative and helpful, she treats her guests with respect and as well as all of her horses. Over all it was very fun
I liked how well Jen covered all aspects of horse care. That included, grooming, putting on the gear, how to approach them, and how to ride them, and finally how to take off the gear and cool them down. She took us around together in a fenced area and taught us how to work with each horse. Some of the horses are a bit more stubborn then the others, and she gave us help and pointers on how to hold the reins and show them we were in charge.I learned a great deal, and felt very equipped by the time we went out on the trail. Was a very worth while time.
I stayed at First Farm Inn overnight and ended up horseback riding as well. I loved how this was not "just for the experience" (though it was a great experience), but also educational. Jen is full of great information about horses, as well as so many other things! She really let the horses' individual personality shine while making sure we were all safe and prepared.
What a shame this girl chose to miss out on riding on the first sunny warm day of spring after days and days of rain. Lots of other people rode that day and had a great time. Following directions and using common sense is very important in most phases of life, particularly activities that can be dangerous. Deliberately avoiding an asphalt parking area that includes more than 60’ of driveway and a 90’x 24’ asphalt pad indicates a lack of both. Obviously this girl has never cared for a lawn—or she wouldn’t park on one, especially when it would have been so easy to park in the drive.When we rode up to this couple it was obvious they ignored all the directions printed on her gift certificate. This is a very small business, there isn’t anyone sitting around waiting to entertain people who show up a half hour early. I do all I can to ensure guests get good value and instruction for their investment. The group before this woman was slightly delayed so we came back a couple minutes late. Riding outside with a group means you must raise your voice to be heard. The little girl I “screamed at rudely” comes regularly to ride with her grandpa. Riding with me has gotten her over fears from bad riding experiences elsewhere. Go to the First Farm Inn bed and breakfast Facebook page for photos of not only this group that I “spoke to rudely” but more happy parents, couples, friends and grandparents riding with their happy kids. Several riders were fearful and timid at the outset yet gained enough confidence (by listening to me “screaming” during their ride) to trot on their own by the end. Because it is so difficult to catch people with return calls, I sometimes answer the phone while on a ride. My highest priority is my riders’ safety. Because horses (and humans) are unpredictable, I can’t anticipate when a person will not notice they are about to be brushed into a branch. We are outside. There is distance between horses. There are other ambience noises. That means one must project one’s voice. The primary complaint I get is that riders can’t heard me.Most “trail rides” follow nose-to-tail at a walk, often on horses that are drugged or simply too tired, sore, hungry or poorly cared-for to do anything else. First Farm Inn horses are healthy, happy, well trained and able to do anything their riders ask. When this girl called to cancel, I simply allowed her to reschedule -- despite having scheduled my entire day to be available at the time she originally requested. While I had a very busy day the second time she called— I gave up plans for the rest of my day to fit into her schedule, but she drove off in a huff to trash me online. Please see the First Farm Inn Facebook page or website for legitmate comments by people who actually rode with me.
I took my 12 year old daughter and her friend here for an overnight stay and some horseback riding. Both girls have been riding regularly for almost a year now and thought they knew everything there is to know about horses. Jen is so knowledgeable. They definitely learned a thing or two from her. She takes such good care of her horses. I think their favorite part was getting to pick out their horse, groom, and saddle up. It was a great time to bond and get to know them before you ride. This is a wonderful place for any animal lover. We also loved playing fetch with her dog and swinging on the tree swings. If you have the chance, be sure to spend the night. Our room was very clean and cozy. And Jen is an awesome cook, so be ready for a great breakfast using fresh, healthy ingredients!
I love how the horses are loved and well cared for. I also like the way the owner tells you about the personality of each horse. When you get there none of the horses are prepped. While I like grooming horses, most people do not. It could be seen that the owner is putting the rider to "work" by making them groom the horse, saddle, unsaddle, and wash the horse at the end. In my experience most people do not want to "pay" to work. If this is not the type of experience you want, then don't go here. But, if you want the whole experience, this is the place you want to be.
I loved how patient Jen was with us being as how we were unexperienced riders. I wanted my son to learn about caring for horses as well as learning how to ride. He had never been on a horse. Jen was careful in picking out horses to suit our inexperience and our height.
We took several family members to First Farm Inn for a couple hours of trail riding. It started as a Valentine's Day gift to my wife, but kept growing as family members discovered what we were doing. The experience was awesome. First, the horses are immaculate, well behaved, and loved by Jen, the owner. She is an expert horse woman and an outstanding teacher who was able to corral six novices into a very fun riding experience. Her knowledge of the horses is amazing. From personality types to the breed of horse, she is very well versed and a wealth of knowledge. The atmosphere is very casual, but you still feel as though you have excellent instruction to keep things safe. Her horses are well kept and majestic. I have been trail riding multiple places; however, I have never seen horses that are this well kept.
I have been riding at Jen's for about 5 years now, I think it is about time to leave a review! :))) I think one of the first things that are worth mentioning about the riding experience is the fact that you will get a whole lot of education about horses and everything equine, while you are with Jen. She does not believe in sticking you on top of tacked horse and walking you single file, like many other places like to do (for safety sake, or to make it easier on the guides, I was never able to figure out!)She will ask you to groom and tack your horse before you ride, so you have time to bond with it first. Jen giudes you through the whole process of course, giving you a whole lot of useful information about equine behavior, tack and riding.First Farm Inn is the ONLY place I have ever been to that allows you to trot AND canter even if it is your first time, as long as you feel comfortable with it! Most people, especially kids are quite excited about that! And of course, it is wonderful if you are an experienced rider like myself. If you are clearly an experienced rider, Jen will even let you break off the group and "horse around" on your . I have ridden in places where I was 100% positive that I am as good or better rider than my guide, and I was not allowed to even trot, because of "SAFETY RULES". Jen cares deeply about safety, but at the same time she manages to balance it with appropriate amount of fun, which is easy most of the time - most of her horses are quite easy to handle.Now about the B&B - a couple of years ago I had to leave KY, since my husband is military. But now, we have an excuse to stay in her wonderful B&B whenever we come to visit!!! It is just lovely - an old charming famhouse, with beautiful stained glass hangings, quilts on beds and a hot tub in the back!!!! Nothing better after a long fun ride!And get this - teh B&B is eco-friendly. I have ridden and stayed at First Farm Inn enough to learn quite a bit about the B&B and I was absolutely delighted to learn that Jen, the owner is absolutely committed to making the impact of her business on the environment as small as possible. EVERYTHING in the house is eco-friendly - all of her appliances are high efficiency, and she hardly uses her dryer, because all of her laundry gets sun-dried! How cool is that?! I know she does a whole lot of othre things to be eco-friendly, but I do not know all the details - you must ask her to tell you when you visit, it is amazing.Now, the breakfast, oh that breakfast.... It is always out of this world, but that is to be expected of a B&B. What you would not expect is that a lot of her dishes are what you would call healthy food! Multigrain pancakes are the best! So you can stay fit while vacationing. That is just awesome. I could probably go on, because I have imressions from more than 30 rides and multiple stays to share, but I I think that there too many things that set First Farm Inn apart from others to mention. But one thing is clear - it is worth visiting, for sure.
Some people think they know all there is to know about horses. Those of us who are around them know we're learning even after 50+ years. Some people don't want to make the effort to groom or get acquainted with the horse before they clamber up and start jerking and kicking. Some people don't like following directions.Because I care about my horses and am commited to keeping them happy and healthy (Most "riding stable horses" are pretty sour and miserable due to the -- often inadvertant -- abuse they receive.) so I give a lot of instructions. It would be nice if I could screen out people who don't listen, don't speak up if they can't hear , don't understand, or just don't like my personality. Yes, I'm human. When someone stands around doing nothing while I'm helping the other 3-4 people on the ride, leaving me to groom their horse entirely and tack it up while cheating the other guests of riding time, I get annoyed. ( I won't throw tack on a horse and cause lifelong saddle sores just because someone was too lazy to groom!)The more you like horses, the more attention you give them, the better you follow instructions, the more fun you will have riding at First Farm Inn. Sometimes we even take time to do face massages after the rides. We always give the horses treats as a thank you. Unlike most places, I fit saddles to riders and offer English and Western tack. The horses' personalities are all different. They react to their riders, weather and other issues just like we do, so your experience will be different every time you ride.I teach centered riding, so everything you learn at First Farm Inn will adapt to every horse you ever ride again. Some people have been taught to ride out of balance. I've watched too many of them hit the ground, so I do not tolerate the self righteous but ignorant "just to be nice." Some people don't like my constant reminders to sit back, keep their heels down and their heads up. Riding in balance is better for both you and the horse. If you do it correctly, you will get the feel and understand how much better it works for both you and the horse -- and you won't fall off. Check out my Facebook page: "First Farm Inn bed and breakfast" to see lots of photos of riders having fun. The huge majority have a great time -- and learn a lot about themselves, as well as horses, in the process.
My mother and I decided for our Mothers Day to take a ride at First Farm Inn. We had such a great time!! Jen was great at instructing us what to do and she was very helpful in making sure we had a great time! My mother was afraid of horses and she overcame her fear.. Thanks Jen! We will be back!