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Go with a guide as you'll get a lot more out of it. The terrain is quite difficult so where good shoes with ankle support. Lots of different birds here
This is the real thing and a fabulous opportunity. We contacted a name through the website and a Naso guide (Adolfo) arranged the whole thing; an hour and half boat trip up and down a jungle river, three hour guided hike in park, hot lunch, and ride to and from boat . Exceptionally well organized. It was not super challenging day but an unique adventure. The Nasos who do all this are very warm people and very gracious even though some will hide from your camera. Children are shy at first but warm up quickly. They are relatively new to tourism and work hard to make it a positive experience. It cost $145 total for 4 people which compared to other places is very good value for money. All of us very impressed. It is also possible to stay with a family in the village for a longer period than a day which is what we will do next time.
It's a great off-the-beaten path spot, however my phone was stolen out of my backpack. Just be sure to keep all valuables on you at all times if you stay here. I was told they recovered it after I left and that they would mail it to me. After several follows up I never received the phone. Disappointing end to a great trip to Panama.
On the second night of our visit at Wekso, two men armed with machetes entered our cabin at night to rob us. One man woke me up by poking me with his machete. In the process of reacting to this situation during my sleep, I got a deep cut to my hand and the men ran away. As you can imagine this is not a fun experience not to mention that it could have had a worse outcome. More details are available on Lonely Planet web site.
Located in Southern Costa Rica and Northern Panama, La Amistad (Friendship in English) represents one of the first attempts at park management between two countries. It is located along the Talamanca mountain range which contains the highest peaks of Costa Rica and Panama: the Cerro Chirripó at 3,819 m, and the more accessible high peak, Cerro de la Muerte. It is a rugged frontier well off the beaten tourist trail that offers the explorer an excellent chance to explore the untouched beauty, silence and wonder of nature. Most of the trails are unmarked and there are no lodges or hotels to speak of, so it's best to hire a guide and camp in the forest. Compared to other parks around the world of similar size, La Amistad offers an abundance of biodiversity unequaled. Explorers will likely see a huge variety of flora and fauna - trees, plants and wildlife. Some biologist estimate that two thirds of all wildlife living in Costa Rica can be seen in La Amistad. Some of the animals explorers could see include cats (puma, jaguars, margays and ocelots), tapirs, anteaters, sloths, monkeys (spider, howler), peccaries, coaties, and more. La Amistad is a birders paradise with over 500 species sited including the resplendent quetzal, three-wattled bellbird and the endangered Harpy Eagle. The plant life is also superb and includes an abundance of ferns, trees and orchids. Hiking, animal viewing and birding are the primary activities most explorers undertake in the park. You can expect warm days and cool/cold nights and some rain. Be prepared with good boots, warm clothes and rain gear. A good tent and sleeping bag are a must if you plan to camp in the forest. Binoculars are a huge help in spotting shy wildlife. Because of the difficulty in accessing the park - usually by 4x4 car - it's best to spend a few days exploring the forest. Plan a day to enter the park, and two days to explore, and one more day to depart. If camping is not your style, it is possible to overnight in the sparse dorm room at Ranger Station Pittier in Progresso, or arrange a homestay with lovely tico families in the Los Tables region. Local guides can provide more information on the later.
Increible parque. Quizás mas accesible y bonito desde Volcán en Chiriquí, aunque las lluvias han afectado seriamente los senderos y accesos al parque
Ho attraversato questo parco fermandomi in alcuni posti, con cascate alberi secolari a dir poco meravigliosi! Il mare che lo costeggia è a dir poco fantastico! Se si vogliono apprezzare le meraviglie della natura non perdetevi questo fantastico posto. Non ve ne pentirete!
porque esta en mi pais y en mi provincia belllllo es uno de los lugares mas lindos y con exelentes especies de flora y fauna un lugar para conservar
L'arcipelago si trova nel N.E. del Panama ai confini della Costarica. E' situato in un'ampia laguna costiera ed è composto da nove isole principali, solo tre abitate e altri piccoli isolotti, di cui una pletora di sole mangrovie che contribuiscono a rendere il mare interno calmo e trasparente. L'isola di Colon è la principale sulla quale si trova il capoluogo Bocas del Toro che dà il nome all'intera provincia del N.E. e allo stesso arcipelago. Essa è una piccola cittadina in stile caraibico con casette in legno vivamente colorate e ben tenute, è sede di un piccolo e movimentato porto commerciale dal quale parte e arriva tutti i giorni un cargo che la collega alla terraferma. Le spiagge si trovano lungo le coste del nord, quella più bella e imperdibile è quella di Bocas del Drago. Un mare sempre calmo e trasparente, sul fondo scivolano tranquille numerose stelle marine e tutt'intorno si muovono veloci piccoli barracuda impegnati a cacciare minuscoli pesciolini.Imperdibile è anche una gita in lancia all'interno della laguna con visite ai delfini che non deludono i tanti turisti accorsi per ammirare le loro acrobatiche evoluzioni e, una all'isola, disabitata, di Zapatillas che non esiterei a paragonarla a quella di Robinson Crusoè. Un'esperienza positiva che non esito a consigliarla a tutti coloro che amano il mare e la natura, ancora, selvaggia.
Paysages magnifiques, région de forêt humide d'altitude.La région des parages de La Fortuna est féérique.Se situe sur la route qui relie les provinces de Chiriqui et Bocas del Toro, mais c'est une route de montagne, relativement étroite et souvent certaines parties sont partiellement effondrées, risques d'éboulements de roches ou de glissement de terres en période des pluies.La route est très risquée, voir dangereuse, de nuit.De plus, il faut être toujours très attentifs aux "Borradores" (traduction: Effaceurs), d'énormes semi remorques qui dévalent la route sans se préoccuper de ce qui se trouve sur leur chemin.Enfin, cette région est le territoire des indigènes, et non indiens, N'Gobe Bugle, le groupe indigène le plus important du Panama, l'une des sept ethnies existantes sur le territoire.