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the whole mountainous areas is very scenic. Our taxi driver took us around and the drive was excellent. We did not hike, as we are not the adventurous type. It is my 2nd trip to visit this place during winter and it still love its freezing cold scenery.
We visited this park on the 1st week of Oct. The foliage was great as the leaves were turning colour. Check the weather as it can be sunny one day and very cloudy the next. For accommodation, my suggestion is to stay one day at Sounkyo Spa area. The hotels are comparatively quite expensive and the lower rated ones reeked of cigarette smell throughout and the onsen is lousy. If possible, stay at least 1 night at Kogen Spa. This is approx. 45 min drive from Sounkyo Spa area but a nice place to chill out. The emperor of Japan visited Kogen Spa before so you know it is good. The price is not expensive when compared to the lower rated hotels at Sounkyo area. It would be about the same price but you get a nice place to chill out. Try to reach Kogen Spa before 9 am so you can go for a 4 hour hike at the national park there to take great pictures. You'll get back in time for a nice onsen, lunch and an afternoon nap or reviewing the wonderful pictures that you have taken.
everything's good, We like the hotel, nature, but we cant go up to the moutain because of snow storm. I hope to back there again when it has a good weather.
Stayed 2 nights at Sounkyo. Enjoy hiking to Mt. Kurodake. It's about an hour up to hill. The scenery is awesome! It is a good exercise too for all ages.Really worth it for those love hiking and natural, specially mountain.
This is one of the most wild and natural places in all of Japan. Rugged mountains, beautiful clear rivers and some of the only untouched nature left on the very crowded archipelago of Japan. While the natural elements are here for a fantastic National Park, I expect more in terms of infrastructure and park ranger activity in line with those in the US such as Yellow Stone or Yosemite. Here you get the feeling that there are a few nature centers and some decently marked trails, but camping sites are limited and not properly spaced out for a true nature experience. Definitely worth a visit if you find yourself in Hokkaido in summer or early fall.
I like - ski- lift ride, natural path climbing up the mountain. dislike -- misty and cannot see mountain in distance.
Stoping in Sounkyo, we took the ropeway, then the lift, and then walked to the top of Kurodake. It is a one hour path, with a big slope but not so hard. The path is very nice with rocks and the top gives a very good views. Perfect.
The mountain ranges are so spectacular and beautiful. The locals are so blessed to wake up to such stunning sights everyday.
This area has lots to offer- from Sounkyo Ropeway to view panaromic view of the mountain to twin waterfalls such as Milky Way waterfall and Shooting stars waterfall. My group enjoyed the special pumpkin ice-cream and yubari melon ice cream at one of the stalls in front of the waterfalls. We stayed at Mombetsu Prince Hotel which is just 5 minutes away. This hotel offers indoor and outdoor hot spring bath facilities. Very convenient access..
One of the most amazing mountain i have ever visited in my life, where there are several waterfall around the mountain such as Ryusei-no taki and Ginga-no Taki which is simply amazing. Make sure you check the weather before going there, because even when summer have fully come, the air around the mountain still a cool breeze and the water kind of freezing. For accomodation, you can stay at the local in around the Mountain which come with amazing natural onsen (hot spring)!Conclusion : Totally Worth it for those love awesome scenery, specially mountain.
快晴で風が少しあった。 11:10、ロープウェイで姿見駅到着。ここからスキーコース周辺を山麓駅まで下る予定だったが、ロープウェイのスタッフに「天候が安定しているから噴気口までいける」と聞いて更に上の噴気口へ行くことに。 噴気口まで行って天候と体調でロープウェイ下山もあり、と考えてロープウェイ姿見駅を11:20に出発。 姿見の池そばの噴気口まで軽い登り。快晴でオプタテシケ、富良野岳などの十勝連山と反対側に夕張山系、眼下に旭川盆地が一望できた。 噴気口12:00着。景色に見とれたり写真撮ったりで実際は30分かからないと思う。 噴煙は硫黄の匂いを含み、照り返しでまぶしいくらいの白さ。 冬は噴煙がいっそう雄大で、夏には入れないところなので天候と体力が許せばおすすめ。 当日は雪がしまっていたのでスノーシューなしで登っている人も多かった。噴気口周辺で景色を楽しみながらお茶を飲んで一休み。12:20に下り始め。展望台にはベンチと周囲の山々の案内板があるので、下界とはまったく違う見え方をしている山の特定もできる。 姿見駅12:40着。疲れはほとんど無いのでトイレなどして12:50出発。 姿見駅横から急斜面の少ないB→Cコースに沿って林の中を下る。 すぐ森林限界の中に入り針葉樹が多く、風がほとんど感じられず歩きやすい。 どこもかしこもコース外滑走のシュプールがあるので、スキーヤーに注意しながら歩くのに楽しい道を選びながらの下山。 といっても滅多にスキーヤーは来ず、ロープウェイが着いた後まとまって降りてくるので、一団が過ぎるとしばらく(20分間隔)来ない。きれいなつららが下がっていたり面白い形の雪山があったりと飽きない。 ロープウェイ山麓駅到着14:30。 動物の足跡をたどったり、尻滑りしたり、写真撮ったりしながらで2時間弱。 念のため軽食と飲み物、充電済み携帯2台と重ね着できる防寒具を持っていったが今回は問題なし。 【注意】山の天気は変わりやすく雲一つ無かったのにあっという間にホワイトアウトすることもあり、冬は道がないのですぐ迷うことも。出発前にはロープウェイのスタッフに、今後の天候を聞くことと軽装は絶対やめましょう。 山では今の天気と下界の天気予報は当てになりません。 本州の3000m級の山と同じ条件なので決して甘く見ない方がいいです。姿見駅周辺でも、充分大自然と絶景を味わえます。でも条件が良くて準備もしているならおすすめです。
残念ながら、雨で雲の中でした。雲に入るまでは、紅葉が最高でしたが、雲に入った後は何も見えません。 リフトも動いていましたが、乗りませんでした。