tomas acea cemetery
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Like other Cuban cemeteries most of the graves are made of marble. Of special interest is the monument to the firefighters. This is were all firefighters from the past and future are buried here. Also is the monument of the D-Day of Cienfuegos, when officers of the naval base staged a revolt against the Batista dictatorship. Lots of interesting history you only have to ask a guard or the friendly lady at the front.
The way there is best done by taxi. The place abounds with a history nicely told by the Lady welcoming you at the portico entrance ( 1 CUC ). The statues in the "rich " people area are impressive both in size and quality of the sculptures. Impressive mausoleums show your standing in standing in society at the time. All of them are grey/white marbles and a look at the details is worthwhile. The "poor" people section is totally neglected. It is rare for people to be buried there nowadays.
Thomas Acena Cemetary1 Cuc for entrance. A short taxi ride from the center of Cienfuegos. The Lady that works at the cemetery has been working there for over 20 years and is a font of information and very proud to share the history of the site. The cemetery was built in memory of the boy whose name it carries and who died of tuberculosis. The Father built the cemetery for the poor people in 1926, and now has rich families and the poor families mixed. His Family also provided money to build a college that had the condition that it was for black and white children to attend – which was not heard of in those days as there was still segregation of races. He also built a Hospital for the Older people of Cienfuegos. The rows are each marked by a national trees that were planted when the cemetery was built, making this a unique, ecological garden cemetery-each tree is a protected species in Cuba. There are 2 monuments that stood out to me- the first is for the soldiers that fought in Africa against apartheid. After the war, the Cuban government gathered the bones and brought them back to Cuba to be buried. The other is of a famous theater actress (whose name I have forgotten ) that is buried here. The tradition in Cuba is to exhume the body after 2 years and clean the bones. After 2 years she was exhumed and the flesh was still intact. They continued to exhume her body every 2 years, until after 8 years, they were finally able to clean her bones. Due to this extraordinary situation, the Cubans say she was an actress in life and a saint in death.The cemetery also contains monuments for the original French founders of Cienfuegos. It is the only town in Cuba that was founded by the French. The city was established in 1819 after the revolt of the slaves in Haiti. They brought over white slaves from France, New Orleans and Mississippi as they were afraid of the black slaves revolting at the time. Walking around the cemetery was an interesting view of the separation of the classes at the time. Some beautiful monuments and statures for the rich families and simple tombs for the poor.
once you go there it keeps will travel back on time.the statues are great and many pantions.
The best time to go here is traveling to and from the airport. I obtained some pictures, but the cementary didn't seem all that interesting to me.
worth do an hour or two and walk through alleys, free entry, a small parking lot, the perfect place to take some interesting photos, cemetery is on the way to the beach, so why not pop - in for couple of hours?
Who would think to visit a cemetery on vacation? This is very interesting. Be sure to visit the fireman's memorial. It is BEAUTIFUL! Near the fireman's memorial you will find a grave of a woman who is believed to help women with having children. Wonderful history!
Maybe it was a first timers charm as this was the first cemetery I've seen in Cuba, but I have to say this was by far my favourite. There is no fee to enter so you can just come and walk through deserted cemetery, enjoying the beauty of old marble statues. It's beutiful, even though in a bit of a disrepair. However I would dare to say the fact that many graves have been broken by the water and are sort of open now, with plants growing from them only adds to the weird atmosphere of the place. It's not refurbished and shiny as Colon or Santa Ifigenia, but I would venture to say, go to see it exactly because of that. It's a beutifully haunting experience.
While I do not consider a cemetary as a tourist destination, this cemetary is beautiful and tranquil.
Nothing special about this cemetery, except that it has some huge war monuments. La Reina has a much more interesting cemetery, I'd definitely go there instead!
there are a lot of very beautiful very ancient sculptures it´s a pity that they are not well preserved
кому нравятся всяческие склепы и грасивые гробницы, могут полюбопытствовать, но Лары Крофт здесь не было)
В поездке по стране это было уже четвертое или пятое старинное кладбище. поэтому глаз "замылился". Но все же интересное место. Если присмотреться - неповторимое. Своя архитектура входной группы, Другие (отличающиеся от кладбища Колон в Гаване и кладбища Санта Ифигения в Сантьяго) надгробья.
Кладбище интересно для посещения как и все старинные кладбища в этой стране. Разнообразные надгробья. можно ходить и рассматривать как в музее. Интересный архитектурный ансамбль при входе. Если вы в Сьенфуэгосе и имеете время - обязательно посетите.
Cementerio de gran extensión, con un trazado urbanistico fuera de lo comun. Tiene hermosos panteones y los jardines bien cuidados