las croabas lagoon
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

这次旅行能够与大自然亲密接触,我超喜欢。有时那儿没有一点儿可以发光发亮的东西,没有月亮、星星,也没电。感觉跟大自然母亲是如此亲近,这种感觉我永远也不会忘掉。离岸稍微远点了,但我的兴奋之情越来越高涨。不太走运,我没有看到什么发光的生物。我把伸进水里晃了晃竟然看到了水下照明效果,把桨放进去也是同样效果,但是连条鱼的影子都没有。我想大概是太黑了,不然就是不够黑。再要不然就是我们太不幸了,所有的动物都藏起来了。但当我们到了大点的礁湖—大塘时,一位叫米塞尔的黑人导游问道,“旅行愉快吗?”我回答道,“很愉快,但是什么都没看见。”他很怜悯地回答到,“你什么都没看到?一条鱼到没看到?”说的就跟我旅行时完全睡着了一样。他也不理我了,继续前行。这个导游对物理和化学现象的解释超赞的,非常清楚。对我们都不是这些领域的专家,用通俗易懂的概念。但是对于理解力比较好的游客,他讲解了很多详细情况。我真的希望他能够意识到我们并没有看到网站和广告上所说的美景,然后他能做些努力来改变我们的印象。当我们坐车到 圣胡安老城时,车上所有人对这次旅行都丝毫提不起兴趣,觉得这种旅行就是炒作,根本不值这个价钱。你喜欢皮艇运动吗?喜欢。我喜欢与大自然亲密接触吗?当然了,这就是旅行的要义!我愿意花80美元再去一次吗?绝对不会!除非有人跟我说,跟这次完全不一样的旅行地,还有另外的海湾,时间也会是晚上早点儿。我只是希望旅行能有所收获。我会再次祈祷祝自己好运的。特悲惨,虽然我重申了没看到任何特别的景色,但是导游对此没有一点解释或者是表示同情或理解。只要网上有人说“别去”“别浪费钱”,我就不会走那么远的地儿了。虽然网上的照片都很赞很惊艳,但是我还是要提醒旅行者我们实际上根本就是什么都没看到。最后,如果我这次旅行必须花一些钱,那我一定会花在交通、安全声明和旅行的安全保障上。往返的车都很准时,而且开得很平稳。安全生命很全面,虽然我们大部分都有些担心,但是它写得很让人放心。别的公司根本不会给游客提供有照明的皮艇和救生衣,而是让他们完全在黑乎乎的环境中进行,跟这些公司比我觉得我们导游还是做得很好很让人放心的。你们有什么问题都可以来问我,我很高帮你们解答。
我们来Las Croabas已经好几次了,主要是来参观这里各种各样的 biobay 皮艇公司。我们发现Las Croabas的公园相对来说很干净,而且他们为游客准备了浴室。海湾处停留着很多帆船和其它船只,所以这里并不是一个专供游泳的海湾。红树林小溪尽头是一大片泻湖。这个泻湖因其会发光的浮游生物的闻名,这些浮游生物一旦被打扰,就会闪闪发亮。有很多旅游公司会带领游客参观感受这种体验。这些浮游生物对杀虫剂和人身上的化学品非常敏感,所以湖里不允许游泳,游客去参观时也只准携带那些对浮游生物无害的杀虫剂。
I went to Las Croabas in a festive day and it was extremely full, doesn't know if it is always like that. Was hard to find a parking and take us a lot of time. Nice place to go with the family, there are parks for the children to play and great view to take photos or just to see and relax. There were companies that rent the kayaks and do tours and there are many (I really mean many) places to eat. The food was mostly fried style and all very distinctive from the island. If you're in a diet you better don't eat there!
Amazing experience in this bioluminescent bay! night time kayak trip that was magical! There are also places to eat, shop and just relax in this area. A must do! Go when there is no moon!
It was quite an adventure for my family. My family, including the fact that it was my grandsons' first visit to puerto rico loved the experience. beautiful luminescence bay. gorgeous night sky (no moon that night). My experience with the staff was very rewarding. friendly and hard working young staff. ready and always willing to help. Jomil, working the desk (table) that night was very professional, courteous and friendly.
It's a nice area with many food choices and good place to people watch...there is also a stand that sells gourmet hot sauce by an american couple and it was SO good!!! Make sure you get some.
Here you can make something as eat at the restaurants, walking , take the bio bay tour at night, if you want you can get on the beach, enjoy the sea view, look and buy art crafts.
I don't know what to say. I am still shocked by the experience. There was horrible kayak traffic on a pitch black journey through narrow passages and hanging trees, all with with very little guidance. The bio bay also has very little luminescence. The best part of the trip was the gorgeous night sky above. It was quite an adventure, but a dangerous one that could have been much more enjoyable for all involved.
Visited the bioluminescent waters with Yohak�� kayaking tours. It was wonderful! The service and your was exceptional. My boys ages 7 and 9 were absolutely blown away. This was a great experience and highly recommend it
Great place for the family, has big park, there's a restuarant that serves an unbelievable "mofongo", and nice drinks.
all good. food was clean and tasted delicious. restaurants are located overlookng the bay and most of them have music and great sitting areas.
In Las Croabas there are a lot of things to do. There are many restaurants where you can eat and enjoy with the family. You can rent kayaks and make reservations through ship owners to go to Icacos Island and Palominito island. You can also make reservations by phone to do the bioluminescent bay tour in a kayak. Great!!!!