moul falls trail


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moul falls trail



Moul Falls is definitely worth the 45-minute hike (2.7 km - one way). from the parking lot on the Clearwater Valley Road. They're beautiful falls as they are, but the best part for our family was to walk behind the falls and get absolutely drenched! We had a great time.


The trail into the falls is mostly flat to rolling until you get closer to the falls were it starts to descend until finally reaching the stairs that bring you down the final portion. The stairs are a bit steep, but are well constructed. The "at your own risk" hike behind/under the waterfall is the absolute best! The rush of spray is tremendous. Yes, you're going to get wet, and you'll also need to hold onto your hat, but it is so worth it. My wife and I spend a lot of time in the outdoors and during our latest trip covered just over three thousand miles, but the hike under Moul Falls was probably the highlight.


This is a walk to the falls and it mainly downhill all the way there but remember its up hill all the way back and it can be hard going on the unfit. The falls are great and you can walk behind them (be careful) and you will get wet if you do. This is not a walk for the unfit.


If you can hang in for the 45 minute walk to the falls, you will not be disappointed. You can climb down to beside the base of the falls, which makes for some AMAZING photos!


on the way plenty of evidence to moose population, footprints and poop! but no sightings unfortunately, Waterfall trail pretty easy to follow. the walk down to the bottom was a little slippery as it rained heavily the day before, but it is one of those things that is worth doing. go in the morning when the sun is shining like we did and you get an amazing rainbow!


The waterfall is a lovely end to a gentle walk in aspens and pines. You can walk behind the waterfall at certain seasons (water dependent) which was a great adventure.


This water fall was at the end of a trail. This was a lovely walk whilst the weather was glorious and dry. When you get to the bottom of the pathway, it is very steep and the shale is slippery. There were also 46 steps down, some of them were very deep steps. However, the waterfall is very unusual because you can walk behind it.


About a 30 to 45 minute hike through the forest. Able hikers can descend the cliff to the falls, then carefully follow the non-trail around behind the waterfall. We went down on a hot day, got quite comfortably soaked in the spray from the falls. Great fun and a beautiful waterfall. Worth the hike.


Merece la pena dejar esta ruta para el final del Parque, al regreso ya que esta al principio. Es una ruta con mucha naturaleza pero el final lo mejor! Ya que pasas por detrás de una cascada!!!


Nach einer relativ langen Wanderung kommen wir am Moul Fall an. Man kann direkt bis an den Wasserfall und auch dahinter lang laufen. Ein super Erlebnis, und ein Muss ! Nachdem wir durchnässt waren machten wir noch am Fusse das Wasserfalls eine gemütliche Pause und genossen die Sonne und die Ruhe, keine weiteren Leute ! Ein Muss in Clearwater !!!


Leuke wandeling die door meer mensen gedaan wordt. Voor ons tot dan de drukste die wij in het Wells Gray park deden. De waterval is leuk en je kunt er achterlangs lopen. Garantie voor een nat pak.


Joli chemin menant à la cascade, 2h environ aller retour et cascade impressionnante. On peut passer derrière la cascade pour se faire arroser. Belle séance de rigolades


Fizemos essa trilha com crianças, em 2h fimos até a cachoeira e voltamos. Parte do trajeto é íngreme mas não é exagerado. Cruzamos com vacas no caminho mas nada de ursos ou outros animais selvagens!


Dopo un piacevole sentiero di circa 2,5 km in mezzo ai boschi, prevalentemente in discesa, si arriva al cospetto di questa bellissima cascata: le si può passare dietro, al di sotto del getto, inzuppandosi come pulcini, ma è davvero una cosa stupenda. Temperatura permettendo, si può anche sguazzare ai piedi della cascata (ma l'acqua è fredda!). Bella la passeggiata nel bosco costellata di lamponi (anche se al ritorno, in salita, stramaledirete la discesa dell'andata), e meta favolosa e suggestiva: consigliatissima!


Der Trail zieht sich relativ lange gemütlich durch einen Wald, bis man endlich ans Wasser kommt und denkt ist ja wenig spektakulär, insbesondere, wenn man bereits die Helmcken Falls gesehen hat. Aber nicht aufgeben und weitergehen. Hinter der Aussichtsplattform auf die Moul Falls kann man herunterklettern und kommt so nah an den Wasserfall heran, das man sogar dahinter durchgehen kann. Absolutes Highlight!

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