san domenico church
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THE CHURCH IS JUST BEAUTIFUL AND YOU CAN FEEL THE PRESENCE OF GOD. All you can think of how did they every build such a beautiful structure so long alo
A 13 th century Gothic church with a spectacular Cimabue crucifix on the high altar and frescoes by Duccio and Aretino make a brief visit to this church worthwhile. The walk to the uppermost part of the city affords wonderful views so visit the cathedral on your way and stop off at Casa Vasari as you walk back to the central part of Arezzo.
Family roots go back to Arezzo and despite having visited the ancestral town many times I never bothered going inside. This time we were staying in a pensione less than 100 m. up the street so, we ventured in. Pier della Francesca's frescos are marvellous and though we have a Cimabue style crucifix hanging in our home;bought yrs. ago on a previous trip, I was enchanted seeing the original. Truly a beautiful piece of art and history.
People going to Arezzo are likely to be attracted by Piero della Francesca's famous frescoes in the San Francesco Church. But, fortunately for me, the kind person at the Hotel desk suggested I go to San Domenico as well, mainly because of the Cimabue cross. The cross is very beautiful, and of great interest in the history of art, because it is thought to be the first description of Christ on the cross as visibly suffering. One has to pay a little bit to illuminate the cross, but it is worth it to see it better and to get the explanations.However, that was not the only thing that I loved about this church. There are gorgeous early 14th century frescoes by Spinello Aretino that definitely make the visit worthwhile. I spent a good deal of time looking at them, attracted by their remarkably vivid colors. One explanation said that Spinello aimed at "intensity of color". The result is beautiful--not realistic (where in real life would you see those intense pinks??), but very beautiful.
The church is smaller and simpler than we imagined ti would be, but it's still worth a visit, to see the beautiful wooden cross by Medieval artist Cimabue (you have to put a coin in the machine if you want the lights turned on so you can see the art properly)
A little out of the way in a quiet piazza, this church has a tranquil atmosphere and is dominated by Cimabue's amazing crucifixion of Christ. Well worth the walk to get there
Thia is by far my favorite church in Arezzo. Among the splendid and larger churches in the city I find this to be a true gem. Lovely in its simplicity. Founded in 1275 and finished in the the late 1300s in a local form of Gothic architecture. It holds many fine paintings and a signiificant crucifix by Cimabue. The church has been restored many times. I find it a quiet, lovely and peaceful place to visit. It is on the Piazza di San Domenica heading downhill from the Cathedral on via di Sassoverde. Of note, if you approach Arezzo by car and circle around to the back of the city on via Pietri there is a large parking lot which has free parking, it fills up early, as well as pay parking. From there you can take escaltors up to the Cathedral.
This smaller church is a little further from the central area of old Arezzo, it contains the beautiful crucifix by Cimanbue, it really worth the trip to get there
It is a peaceful but unassuming building but it holds one of the great treasures of Italy, an early crucifix by the young Cimabue (c 1265). This is stunning art in any age.There are a number of frescos and ceiling paintings as well but these are less breathtaking.Note: it is quite dark inside and the crucifix is hard to see. However our local guide knew how to illuminate it (she did something at the back of the church).
La chiesa per se stessa non è nulla di importante. Una costruzione in stile romanico con la facciata sbilenca e il campanile frontale. La visita è giustificata dalla presenza del crocifisso del Cimabue. Opera fantastica è di notevole fattura.
Arezzo merita il viaggio anche solo per ammirare il Crocifisso del Cimabue da meditazione,non vorresti più andare via..
Chiesa gotica del 1200, ad una sola navata, rivela affreschi del 300 sulle pareti ma la sua vera ricchezza la si gode al centro dell'altare: la Pala del Cimabue. Semplice ma suggestiva Pala in legno raffigurante il Cristo in croce.
Ho visitato ultimamente Arezzo, non conoscevo ancora questa città. Mi sono emozionata con i dipinti di Piero della Francesca, nell'altare della Basilica di San Francesco ma devo confessare che, ancor di più, sono stata colpita dal Crocifisso di Cimabue nella Chiesa di San Domenico.E' stupefacente vedere come un uomo, un artista, dell'anno 1250 sia stato in grado di raffigurare, su una tavola di legno, una crocifissione di una modernità incredibile.L'espressione di dolore del Cristo, divino eppure profondamente umano, la muscolatura, l'arco del corpo ...Non so molto di Cimabue ma, al di là dell'arte, credo che sia stato animato da profondo spirito religioso nel momento in cui si accingeva ad un'opera così importante. Riuscire a cogliere così l'umanità del Cristo ... Bellissimo, da non mancare
Questa chiesa si trova nell'omonima piazza e presenta un' incompiuta facciata simmetrica in stile gotico.Essa è in semplice muratura e presenta un campanile a vela dotato di due campane.L'interno è a una sola navata, all'interno vi è una decorazione pittorica trecentesca, bello l'affresco di Spinello Aretino con i Santi Giacomo, Filippo e le storie della loro vita e di S. Caterina.Sicuramente questa chiesa è importante per la presenza del Crocefisso ligneo dipinto da Cimabue, considerato uno dei capolavori della pittura del 200.Da vedere!!!!
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