six gun city


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six gun city



As of 2014 Six Gun City is restructured and is now Fort Jefferson Funpark. With a New FEC style the attraction now offers free admission with a choice of an all ride band or a pay per ride option. Tickets are $1.00 each and range form 1-5 per attraction. The old Fort Splash attraction are offered in the all ride band.The first big change you will notice if they no longer use the original entrance instead you enter through the Gift shop which previously served as the exit. The park has opened up the maintenance gates at the end of the park to also offer the free entry but you have to buy you tickets or all ride band at the gift shop. You can still find some leftover Six Gun City merchandise but they are not on clearance. the park is also aggressively selling off anything gun and western related with no plans on restocking.Many of the buildings were repainted a few years back. The attraction no longer appears as a rustic western village but something a bit more fanciful. Since they now plan to offer onsite cabins the museums along with a few other buildings have been closed for that conversion. this means no more sleighs, carriages, Farm Equipment etc. Even the school house is closed do to these plans. The new format so far has brought in nothing new just a lot less then what they had before. The shooting Gallery which was the last thing to be added to the park was removed do to a new Anti gun Focus. There are no more live skits or small things happening around the grounds. The only thing that seems to be in the works for the FEC is an arcade. I was told the General store would become an arcade. This would be a nice extra attraction but the building woudl not allow for many games. In all this is an OK attraction that needs to up it's game. everything is run down and dirty and that just doesn't work with amazing attraction in the area and Santa's Village practically next door. But, with free admission it's an easy hit if your in the area or before going to another attraction.


was thrilled when this park reopened/reinvented itself as my son and I thoroughly enjoyed it. So, we went in July. The park was exactly the same in most ways; instead of buying a day pass, you could purchase tix for each individual ride. keeping in mind the fun I was EXPECTING to have, I bought the day pass. There were probably 20 people beside me in the park; it was a feeling of "oh boy, this is sad, a kid's park should be full of life and laughter." No need to play laser tag as there was literally no one to play against. we did the go carts, paddle boats, roller coaster. gone are the cowboy enactment shows. A beautiful place that needs to realize ITS TIME HAS PASSED>


Everything is very outdated and rundown some of the rides don't work and most of the buildings inside are locked. The manager was very rude too. Never coming back here!!!


We went to six gun city on our way home from a weekend in the mountains. We had heard many bad, and a few good reviews. This place seems like it has been abandoned for 10 years, someone bought it, opened it that day, and that's it. No updates, cleaning, paint etc. It looked like a sad run down back yard. The paddles for the canoes were mostly broken, the water the paddle boats were in was so filthy it stunk like a toilet. The employees were nice but just seemed like some young local teenagers, who like all teenage boys demonstrate a good amount of apathy. The water slides were ok. The irony is when we asked our 4 and 5 year old boys what they liked best out of Storyland, Santa's Village or Six Gun City, they said in unison "Six Gun City!" Go figure . If you have boys it may be worth a stop. Advice to save some money ; if your kids are school aged or older, just buy day passes for them. Admission for you would be free. Also pack your own lunch, you can bring food in the park.


The owners have changed the name to Jefferson Fun Park, and you can now enter for free and just pay for tickets for the rides. Good thing because if we had paid $20/each to go in there I would have felt very ripped off. We couldn't find what hours they were open so we arrived randomly and were relieved that they happened to be open. We walked around and looked at the rides which have all seen better days. Our daughter is 8 years old. She wanted to do the pedal boats mostly. She had no interest in the go-karts but those who did them looked like they had a great time. We tried to do a pony ride but the employees were on break I guess and even though we could see them nearby no one came to help us. Seemed to be run by a few bored teenagers, some of them were covering more than one station. We did find a crowd in a building at one point. Maybe one of the owners was there with a miniature horse telling stories.The walking paths have maybe seen better days. I think wheelchairs would have a rough time of it. Strollers managed but there were some bumpy places. It wasn't all paved. Some of it was pretty much dirt.This place has obviously seen better days. We didn't dare try the food, and the items in the gift shop all had the old name on them (Six Gun City). Surprisingly the campground next door looked like it was full of RVs and campers. Obviously that side of things seemed to be doing okay.My 8 year old said "I feel like I was too old for most of the rides, except the go-karts which looked like it was for older kids."We lasted about 2 hours I think, and most of that was on the pedal boats and wandering unhappily in the gift shop. We won't be back.


Sons 3 and 8 liked it well enough. A quiet place, hardly any lines. Stayed at the campground next door. (Paid for a wristband and it was good for the entire long-weekend trip.) Price it out though, rides range from 1 to 5 tickets each, it may be cheaper for some (esp. those w/small kids) to go with the tickets. The second visit, a Monday and it had rained about 8:30am prior, it took about a half hour to get the waterslides and go-carts running. (spent more time walking around)Staff was friendly and helpful, but most work multiple positions. In comparison, $10 more a person, and you could go to Santa's Village or StoryLand. (children 3 and under are also free unlike Fort Jefferson) Place has a lot of potential. Did not eat there, shops were expensive.


We go to Six Gun City every year, this was our 6th. Yes it was a bit seedy in the past, but it felt authentic, it's a cowboy place. Now? Horrible. The service was terrible. The website misleads customers about hours open, there are many attractions closed, in some cases just a plastic bucket telling how many tickets to put in. The gift shop is a ghost town, no pun intended. So depressing, don't waste your time.


my husband and I took our kids (ages 5 & 11) here yesterday. You can either purchase a wrist band and go on all the "rides" unlimited times. Or you can purchase a booklett and use the stubs to select which rides you want to go on at a discounted rate. You walk through the gift shop to purchase your tickets. The gift shop is out-dated and looks like it hasnt been dusted since the place opened. And the prices were RIDICULOUS!! I expect gift shops to be over-priced, but this was just crazy. Once we exited the gift shop you are in an old western town. Its COMPLETELY rundown and half of the town fronts/attractions were locked so you couldnt go in. Weird. Paint was chipping off everything, pipers were exposed, everything was delaipitated, exposed screws, etc. Then we walked to the bathroom, GROSS! We got there right when they opened and out of the five toilletes they had, only ONE wasnt clogged or dirty. From there we walked to the go-karts, secretly praying that this was going to be decent. Thankfully it was. The kid running it had no personality, but the track and cars werent bad. from there, we checked out the bumper boats. They had five, but only 3 weren't broken. The kid running this ride told me to make sure we don t spray him and thats all he said to us. Never in my life did I want to squirt someone SO badly!! Once we were on, we quickly notice that the boats werent even fully inflated. In addition, the water was DISGUSTING!!!! We decided not to squirt each other becase the water was completely brown. After that we did a water slide, which was not bad- BUT the kid running this ride didnt aknowledge us or offer instruction to my daughter on how to go down. It wasnt until I asked if she should sit up or lay down, that the kid snarkily said depends on fast she wants to go....sigh...Then we played "mini golf". this was laughable at best! The balls are in a completely rusted coffee can (hope you had a recent tetanus shot!) and the "Course" was bumpy and falling apart and all of the decorations were broken. Worst part you ask? That would be that the holes are RAISED so its impossible to get the ball in. At this point, my husband said "lets go, this place is depressing" and my 11 year old agreed. Mind you, we were only there a little over an hour at this point. Since we paid $19/pp, I wanted to try a couple more things since we now spent (or should I say blown) our fun buget for the day and it wasn't even 12:30 yet.So my 5 year old went on the kiddie bumper boats. Again, most of them were broken. He got in one that mostly kept spinning in circles. Once he got off, another little girl went on and same thing. I heard the mother ask "is it broken? she just keeps spinning, shes going to throw up!" The charming kid running this ride simply shrugged. At this point we tried the laser tag. when we were putting on the vests, the laser gun that was supposed to be clipped to my daughters vest (which was not) fell on the floor. The kid running this said snapped at her"be careful!" and pointed to a sign that said if you damage the vest in anyway, you will be charged $4,000......Let me repeat that, FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS. The entire park isnt worth $4,000!After that snafu, we went in and actually enjoyed ourselves. I admit, the laser tag was awesome. It was large in there and they played loud music and we had a blast. We played 3 games and did enjoy that. The final thing we did was go on the roller coaster. It s a VERY small rollercoaster meant for young children. I went on with my daughter and when I got off, my husband said he was actually scared watching us on it. He said the whole thing was shaking and it looked the plates that were supposed to be screwed into the concrete were actually coming off the ground. Yup, at that point we left. "Ft. Jefferson Fun Park" used to be "6 Gun city". They just changed thier name and pricing "to get with the times", however, my guess is that they will either sell the land or go bankrupt in the next 2-3 years. I do not see this place lasting much longer. I have been to more sophisticated carnivals. I gave this place 2 stars based on the go-karts and laser tag. Please do yourself a favor and skip this place unless you want to be bored, possibly killed, and have an un-limited supply of hand sanitizer . There is SO much to do in the white mountains, dont make this mistake.


Don't waste your time. It is now free to get in and as they say, you certainly get what you pay for here. Spend an extra day at Santa's Village instead.


As a child, I was there when I was 6 years old, (1976), we rode the stage coach (which was pulled by horse at time), then all the sudden we were pulled over by a robber. He took all of the people on the coach and the general store as his prisioners and threw us in the old jail. I remember this as a kid as the robber asked me if I wanted to get shot, I was trembling and said no, then he said get in jail. He and the Sheriff had a show down and the Sherrif won the duel and let us out of jail. That was back then.... now it is toned down due to the fact the location doesnt want to frighten children. The action has been toned down and made more child friendly... so don't go there now expecting what was there in 76. It is what it is, for children... as it gets them directly involded in catching a robber now instead of the Sheriff hunting him down. I did buy a rather nice cowboy hat at the gift store for myself and a couple of nice cap guns for my nephew.


ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE! It's a wonderful place if you could time travel back to the 60's! they should call it dust bowl city .Overpriced! bathrooms are filthy the last time they cleaned the sinks and toilets are when the place opened. The food place they can only make an order at a time. Service was horrible they asked you what you wanted then screamed it back to the people cooking. They kept screaming "one fry one hamburger" I mean seriously put 6 hamburgers on the grill! there was a whole line of people in the place! The water slide is a joke and there are no real rides. WOULD NEVER GO BACK!!!!!!!!!


We went in the summer and came back for the Halloween event this past Saturday. We were there during the day because I have a 7 year old. No one really told us what was open, if there was trick or treating or what was going on. A schedule of events, such as they were would have been helpful. We basically did a few of the rides and carved a pumpkin and even that we needed to ask about when we saw others doing it. Yes, I get that it is supposed to be an old Western town but some of the rides like the carousel can use some repair. The staff needs some training on how to be friendly and helpful. If i had to pay the $20.00 they were charging I would have been disappointed.


This season Six Gun city opened late. It's a great place for twelve and under. There are several rides, live shows and water slides. Lots of inter action between the kids and the cowboys. We enjoy it every time we go.


After reading several poor reviews, I was very hesitent to bring my 7 year old to Six Gun City on our father - son weekend. To give you a hint on how our day went, my son asked me if we could come back next year after 7 hours of fun. I expected a quick 3-4 hour day. We vacation in the White Mountains frequently and Six Gun City is not better than Story Land or Santa Village, but it turned out to be a great alternative.When you read the poor reviews,keep in mind your kids. They will love it. Yes, it is a little run down. Yes, the high school staff doesn't understand customer service and does not have a cheerful approach. And No, it is not SIx Flags or Disney.But after, unlimited laser tag games, dozens of trips down the large waterslide, 2 rounds of mini gold on a dreadful course, 2 rides on a bumpy and quick "rollar coaster", paddle boats and bumper boats, a raft ride down a waterslide shoot,, an awefully reenacted bank robber chase skit, and several go cart rides, we got our monies worth.My only regret was that my 4 year old daughter was not with us because she was eligible for most rides and fun at her age.However, based on my experience, here is some tips: (1) Bring your own food!! The food there was aweful and service was slow. You can bring whatever you want and go back and forth to your car real easy. (2) If your child is a beginer swimmer, keep and eye on the end of the shoot for the waterslide. Do not count on the lifeguards. They did not pay attention even after I witnessed an incident that a child did not properly put on her lifejacket. The ride monitor at the top did not catch it and the lifeguard did no assist after a parent went to help. I personally caught her brother and suggested he strap the jack on correctly. I blame the parents as well as the lifeguard for the childs danger. (3) Keep you expectations at the 4-8 year old level. For anyone older than 8 or nine, they will be bored........Furthermore, we had the luxury of good weather and no crowds. Bad weather and long waits may have changed my view and experience.Lastly, I hope Six Gun City remains open as there are rumors of its closing. If you frequent the area and you have chldren from 4-8 years old, this park is a great alternative to others..........


Our kids are 3 and 5, and they had a great time at Six Gun City. I've read many of the reviews and there is seemingly some validity to all. This is a fairly inexpensive outing that is perfect for the younger children. What worked well for us was that it wasn't long lines and the rides and slides were perfect for the little ones. My kids loved the pony ride, water slides, paddle canoes and log "car" ride (that they could drive on their own!) while the place is a bit run down (mini golf in particular), young kids that are not regularly over-stimulated by technology at home will love this place. It was nice to enjoy a park where I didn't feel like I needed to have a tight grip on my kids at all times. I actually appreciated that Six Gun City seemingly hired local youth. Santa's Village and Story Land also rely on youth, but they are often here on work visas. I'm certain local parents appreciate the opportunity for their kids to have summer jobs. All the youth we interacted with we're very friendly, no complaints about the staff. One word of caution--bring your own food (which is allowed). I feel we had realistic expectations about the concessions and we all conceded that the food was horrible and it took a really long time (we ordered pizza and fries). The other thing is that they only sell soda and water out of vending machines, separate from the food purchases--this seemed really odd, no fountain drinks at a concession?Summary: Recommended for 8 and under crowd....adults and tween/teens will be bored. Bring your own food/drinks!

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