harpers corner trail
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Drive to the very end of Harper's Corner Road to reach the trail head for this hike. There are several overlooks along the way that provide beautiful views of the canyons. As it was early morning when we started the drive we found ourselves occasionally sharing the road with deer that have a tendency to suddenly pop out of nowhere. Be careful! The hike is fairly level and only two miles round trip. The views are so worth the walk. You look down at the Green and Yampa River Canyons and Echo Park over 2000 foot below. You may spot kayaks or canoes on the water that will give you a great size perspective. If it is passable (ask the Ranger at the visitor center about the condition), drive the Echo Park road to the bottom. You'll be able to look up and see where you've been. We recommend both the hike and the drive to Echo Park.
Our family only had time to do one hike in Dinosaur National Monument and this turned out to be the perfect one. This hike is long enough to feel like a hike, and even while it is around 3 miles round trip, the views are perhaps the best in the park. The trail follows a peninsula that juts out to offer views of the Yampa River canyon as it comes together with the Green River on one side and of the Green River Canyon on the other side. The vistas are of canyon walls that look like they were wrung out and twisted by the hands of geologic time. There are some trees for shade, but during the summer this hike should be done in the morning or later in the evening to escape the heat.
Incredible views make this up and down trail worth every minute. Some of the trail us narrow and close to the edge but I was never frightened for my kids walking ahead of us. This is THE trail to hike in Dinosaur National Monument.
We loved this walk. We did it with our two small girls (4 and 6 years old) so it was quite a long walk for them. There is only one part of the walk where you need to be quite cautious of the edge, as there is a fence at the end of the walk so kids can look around without the parents fearing for their lives! We all absolutely loved our Harper's Corner trail hike. Add it to your itinerary and you won't regret it!
First Dinosaur is a quiet park, far from the crowd. From Harper's corner one can get some wonderful views on the Green River. The path leading there is easy and nice.
This is by far the most rewarding walk in Dinosaur NM. It is fairly flat as you go along a ridge up to the edge of the cliff that overlooks the Green River. From there you have amazing views of the river to the west, the meanders to the right with Steamboat Rock and Echo Park and a view ahead of a massive fold in the earth's crust.To be combined with a drive to Echo Park to get two perspectives on Steamboat Rock.No more than 2 hours return, including (numerous) photo stops
An easy 2 mile round trip walk at the end of a scenic drive. Takes you out the spine of a ridge to a narrow point 2300 ft. above the rivers. Tremendous views up and down stream and of Echo Park. Well worth the effort.
Probably pretty tough in hot weather. But just 2 miles round trip with little elevation gain. Unbelievable views.
This is an easy 1 mile out and 1 mile back trail from the end of the 30 mile Harper's Corner Auto Tour at the Dinosaur side of Dinosaur National Monument. The views along the trail and at at the end are superb, well worth the little effort it takes to get to them. The trail follows a ridge with slight ups and downs but some exposure to heights and drop offs. Nothing worth worrying about but be aware that children will need to be wached along the trail. The viewpoints at the end are fenced allowing access to the edge. Well worth the small effort to get there!
I think this is one of the best parts of the Dinosaur Monument experience. The trail is self-guided and takes you along some breath taking sights. You can look down into the green river and also see where the Yampa and Green come together. It is also great to know that John Wesley Powell made the trip via the Green during the 1860s. Be sure to bring a picnic lunch and make it a great day.
It's an easy 3 mile hike/walk out to the tip of the Harper's trail then look down and see the confluence of the Green and White Rivers. Stunning views!
Der 31 Meilen lange „Harpers Corner Scenic Drive“ führt als Asphaltstraße vom Visitor Center in der Nähe von Dinosaur bis zum Harpers Corner mit großem Parkplatz, Toiletten und Informationstafeln. Hier endet die Straße. Dabei fährt man durch eine herrlich-wilde unberührte Landschaft, bewachsen mit Sagebrush. Von mehreren Aussichtspunkten blickt man weit in die High-Mesa, in Täler mit Sandstone-Felsen oder auch auf die umgebenden Berge. Den schönsten Ausblick muss man sich jedoch erwandern.Beim Parkplatz Harpers Corner beginnt der 1,0 Meilen lange Trail zum „Whirlpool Canyon Overlook“. Dabei geht es immer leicht durch einen lichten Wald aus Pinien und Wacholderbäumen auf einem Bergrücken bergab. Unten im Tal fließen der Yampa River und Green River, sie haben sich tief in den grau-roten Sandstein gegraben.Vom „Whirlpool Canyon Overlook“ kann man dann den Zusammenfluss dieser beiden Flüsse beim „Steamboat Rock“ sehen. Das Panorama, das man hier genießt, ist einmalig. Diese leichte Wanderung lohnt sich auf jeden Fall, hin und zurück braucht man mit Stopps ungefähr zwei Stunden.
Der Trailhead befindet sich am Ende des Harpers Corner Drive. Dort gibt es einen großen Parkplatz mit Toiletten, Hinweistafeln und für 50 Cent kann man aus einer Box eine Broschüre mit einer Streckenbeschreibung sowie interessanten Punkten unterwegs entnehmen. Legt man diese Broschüre am Ende der Wanderung wieder in die Box, kann man sich die 50 Cent sparen.Die Wanderung ist etwa 3,2km lang (hin und zurück) und führt durch unwegsames Gelände (hinzu fast nur abwärts) zum Whirlpool Canyon Overlook.Der Pfad verläuft auf einem Höhenrücken und man hat immer wieder Ausblicke auf den Green River und Yampa River. Am Ende des Trails, am Whirlpool Canyon Overlook, kann man dann den Zusammenfluss beider Flüsse sehen. Ein sehr schönes Panorama!